I can't figure out how to pause the satellite radio like we can do with FM. Anyone else have the ability or know how to enable it?
I doubt it. You'd need a "hard" drive of some sort, likely a flash drive. I really wish they would do this for radio in general, a Digital Video Recorder (aka Personal Video Recorder) for radio, similar to TV.
They have the Time Shift on the FM working on The Prime Advanced. But no option to do it on the Satellite. But my brothers 2016 Tacoma can do satellite
I can't pause from the head unit. However, when I'm listening to Sirius/XM via my iPhone, I have the option to pause it. When it's really important to have the pause function, I guess you could listen to satellite radio through a blue tooth set up.
It’s available on the Premium trim level, too. It’s just for FM. I’ve looked and don’t see a way to time shift SiriusXM.
Its also available on the Plus trom level for FM only (screen size isn’t everything!). It automatically pauses when making a voice command (for Nav, for instance) and continues where it left off.