What wheel centercaps do you have?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by johnp, Jan 31, 2004.

  1. johnp

    johnp New Member

    Dec 20, 2003
    Moses Lake, WA
    I'm just curious. My Prius has small chrome centers that are nearly flush with the surface of the wheel with no paint. I've only seen a few Prius up close but I believe they all had the same plain centers.

    I bought a second set of wheels that are identical except the chrome center "button" is raised maybe 1.5 inches and has a red painted groove around the Toyota symbol. I wonder if this was a running change or did I get wheels from a pre-production Prius.


    We have almost 600 miles and seem to average around 47 mpg so far. This would be a fine car even if it was not a hybrid but it is and that is frosting on the cake. I drove a friends Sienna and I was so dissapointed when I would let up on the gas and I didn't get any regen! After driving a Prius nothing else makes sense. :D

  2. rdoucette

    rdoucette New Member

    Dec 12, 2003
    Wheel Centers

    Mine is new (build in Dec.) and it has the plain wheel centers.

    I too am averaging 47 mpg. And I'm increasingly able to drive in stealth mode. It's a lot of fun watching the car get this great mileage.