I'm having troubling pairing a phone to the Bluetooth system. I worked fine with my plain-jane Sprint cell phone as well as my kid's iPod. However, when I pair my wife's phone the car's phone system does not see the device after a few seconds. Anybody have any thoughts?
I believe any time you change bluetooth devices you have to pair it to the car. Try out TOYOTA.COM/CONNECT. I have the same issue but haven't gotten around to trying this.
I had an Iphone 4 that worked fine w/Bluetooth, then when I switched to the iphone 5 it stopped working. I finally did the pairing with the new phone this morning and it now works fine. This has probably already been discussed on another post. I don't have Navigation. I entered Setup on the Prius, then bluetooth, then selected the 'pair' option. The phone already was in bluetooth mode and searching. This did the trick. I didn't have to enter any codes, they just synced up.
I'm almost certain that my bluetooth issues are coming from the Phone. My prius will pair but not connect. I'm using Blu's android phones. (bluproducts.com) If anyone else has one of these phones and has found a solution, please share! Thanks!
Much has to do with the version of phone, thus the version of Bluetooth one is using. Some older versions of BT might not pair with the newer version in your C. Yes, I know that BT is supposed to be backwards compatible, but that isn't always so. Try updating your phone to the most recent version of its operating system. Check to see if you can somehow update your Bluetooth as well. Some phones can. Good luck.
I had problems too! Connecting or once connected, staying connected. I was able to pair my android BLU life one. I fixed the problem by going into my settings, scrolling to phone audio, selecting my phone then deleting it. My phone is still in my phone list for Bluetooth, but now it stays connected and I can still stream from my phone. I hope this helps someone! I
I just bought a BLU phone and I have exactly the same problem - pair but will not connect. Did you find the fix? Thanks a bunch.
Which car were you trying to connect the phone to, itsy bitsy? I have BLU Studio 5.0 C HD and it fails to connect to my Toyota Prius (it pairs, but fails to connect hands-free/streaming/entune). I want to know if BLU Life One connects to Toyota Prius?
I purchased my 2013 Prius C last August 2014, with only 6K miles. I have taken it to service multiple times over Bluetooth issues. I've been told * "it's fine bc it works with service phones no problem" * "your phone will never work with that car" I've been told by Entune it needs an 'update' ... service says NO. Finally service manager agrees to replace the system (it's blown 3 backup cameras in this time ~ obviously something is amiss!!!) Enter new service manager, who won't uphold previous managers promise & back to square one. Now, 1 year later I'm forcing the issue to get system replaced ($3K part) & I'm bring told "oh, this is a known issue and if we replace Bluetooth system the problem will still exist" WHAT??? Of course this makes no sense. I'm under warranty, and I purchased extended warranty ~ I'm not settling for a dysfunctional Bluetooth! Nope ... Why pay so much $$ for a car & accept it not working? You all with these similar issues ... don't settle!!
I have a 2012 Prius C with Entune. I just got a replacement iPhone 6S. Previous phone automatically switched to multimedia when I used phone. On this one, it does not connect, although the bluetooth music stops. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!!
I have a nasty new prob with my 2006 Prius. I happily paired my Iphone5 and it worked seamlessly. Ive now treated myself to an IP8+ but it doesn't see the car as a Bluetooth option so cant pair. My research says this is becoz latest IPhone software update 11.3 uses BT version 5 and the Prius uses BT vs4. Anyone got a work round. If not, lots of older cars wont be able to be used with new phones. PS other makes of cars are having the same problem apparently. One suggested solution is to use a bluetooth transmitter fitted into the cigarette lighter.....anyone have experience with this and which make are you using? Thanks
Found the solution.....you have to delete out ALL the existing telephones on the prius. Then (and only then) bluetooth register the new phone via the prius screen. My IP8+ now works fab. GL Alan