OK, this is not a big deal but it's very annoying: If I reorder the audio sources using the display on my Prime Advanced so I can quickly pick the one to listen without having to actually read the screen, they reorder themselves to the previous order as time passes. I'm not sure what triggers it, if it is a period of time, turning the car on/off, etc. For example, I don't use SAT Radio so I push it to the end of the queue and then it comes back by itself to the second place all the time, which is where it comes from the factory as a default I think Does anyone have experienced this? Any advice?
I'm not sure if this works, I haven't messed with station presets in a few months. I'd try overwriting the station presets instead of reordering the ones that are already preset. ie: Tune to your preferred station than set that station in the spot you want it, overwriting the station that is already in that spot.
Not radio frequencies. Actual input sources like Bluetooth, (paid) SAT Radio, Regular FM radio, AM Radio, etc.
Yes this happened to me 2 times since owning the car for 4 weeks. I don’t know what triggers it either. It just reorder itself after starting. Also I find the climate control also may change from previous presets also.
This happened last September when Toyota pushed out a software revision. See Entune Update | Page 2 | PriusChat HPrimeAdvanced said: Just got a notification this morning, 09-29-17, of a mandatory Entune Update. I went ahead and downloaded and installed it, and can't tell any difference in performance or features. Anybody out there in Prime Land or even Prius Ordinary Land have any info on this update. Thanks in advance! OldBear replied: Same thing... showed up about 3PM EDT and I let it download and install. Only immediate difference is that the order of the Entune apps on the menu was back to the default and I had to re-order them to put the ones I use back on the first menu screen. (I really like the quick access to sports scores and schedules, and the ability to get recent stock prices with the push of a button both in the car and on the phone when not in the car.) If your Prime has just came off the dealer's lot, possibly the various update patches had not been applied and your re-ordering problem is the result of updates which re-start with factory default settings. I don't really know. This is just a possibility.
I've always meant to look into deleting apps that I have no intention of using, like I heart radio and some others. Is it possible to delete them? Having read this thread, I'm now not optimistic.