I have the Sirius Here To Anywhere unit from a number a years ago that I want to install into my Prius (getting it next weekend). In all my previous cars, I have installed the car dock somewhere in the dash, and installed an FM converter to put the audio onto the antenna wire at a specific frequency. Has always worked great. I can do the same for the Prius, but it seems easier to just connect the audio output of the Sirius receiver direct to the external audio input plug that is in the center console. I could run a stereo cable from the receiver into the console and plug it in, but that ugly. What I'd really like to do is tap into the wires going from the external audio plug to the stereo. Thus a couple questions: - Does anyone know which wires are Left, Right, and Ground for the external audio input jack, and on which cable bundle or connector they are on under the dash? - Do you think it's OK to direct wire the Sirius box to this audio jack? I would never drive audio onto them from the Sirius box when I also have something connected into the audio jack. That I realize would be bad. I presume having wires T'd off them is OK if there is nothing connected to those wires (i.e. I have removed the Sirius receiver from it's cradle/dock/tray) I plan on installing the cradle/dock/tray into the little storage area that has the translucent door cover just below the stereo. Should be a really slick installation. I'll be putting a switch onto the purple wire at the same time while I'm in there. Thanks, Joel
My Prius is an 05, so I can't speak directly, but I do have a few ideas. Here is a site with pinouts for lots of devices: http://pinouts.ru/connector/ They say a stereo mini-plug has the left signal at the tip, the right signal in the middle and the ground at the base. Those plugs are very comman and consistant, so I would feel pretty confident in trusting this pinout. I would open up the console and look at the back of the jack. If you can see how the wires are connected, you should be able to determine which corrisponds to tip, middle, and base on the plug. If not, you can try to trace the continuity on the jack to the wires. I would tap these wires right here and run my own wires under the carpet to the space in the dash. That seems much easier then trying to trace and tap the wires behind the dash. Someone else might now exactly where these wires run behind the dash, though, which would make connecting there easier. As for tapping the wires and directly connecting the Sirius, I would install an audio switch at the T-connection. This way, only one signal source is ever active at a time. I'd probably place it so the switch button is beside the jack in the console for convenince. Also, keep in mind that door in the dash can be completly clear when the sun shines just right, so be sure to protect your Sirius from itchy fingers when you are not with your car. Good luck. This sounds like a cool project.