My wonderful wife gave birth to Amarra Lane Fusco at 11:04am on July 21st. She weighed in at 7lb 5oz, and stretched out at 21". And she's gorgeous. Momma's doing well too. Can't wait to start brainwashing her into the cult of Prius as I've already succeeded in doing with my twin 5 year olds!!
Congratulations, Evan! WELCOME AMARRA LANE FUSCO!!!!!!!!!!! artytime: artytime: artytime: artytime: artytime: artytime:
You can start by giving her a Prius keychain instead of a pacifier. When she is old enough not to put everything in her mouth, she can have a fob Congrats Evan. Now you better stop makin' babies until you can get an Estima Hybrid!
Congratulations, Evan -- and very glad to hear your wife is doing well. Just think of the things that little girl will see in her lifetime!
I'm happy for you, Evan. I hope you can take some time off. What do the twins think about their beautiful sister?
Though their reactions to her have been different (one sensitive and emotional, crying at the drop of a hat, the other clingy, protective helpful) they clearly both are thrilled and lover her very much. I get about 3 weeks off, my wife's taking 10 weeks. Should be good for all of us.
Thanks, we're pretty proud of the choice of name too. Most books show it as Amara. My wife's name is Tamara. It's unusual, but has a great meaning, yet doesn't sound weird or overly ethnic. My son, Brendan, came up with the middle name, Lane...we have no idea from where he got it. We know no one named Lane, he has no friends named Lane...but it fit perfectly! My other son, Heath, was slightly disappointed that we wouldn't name her Cinderella!! :mrgreen:
Congrats Evan! Does this mean there was a driving rush to the hospital when your wife went into labor, thereby meaning your next set of numbers will be lower than normal? I could finally beat you! All kidding aside, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Congratulations again. -m.
Beautiful little girl, Evan! Congrats, but remember - no more rugrats until they come out with a hybrid van! I hear the Highlander will have 3 rows of seats... :wink: