Hey there, I just got my 2005 Prius back on the road after 10months due to having to change out the hybrid cells with a set of refurbished, a 12volt Aux, and a new engine cooling pump. Three days and now when I go on the freeway and/or get up to a speed of 50mph, I get the 2 lights that come on. The red triangle of doom on the dash, and a red rectangle with a thermometer on the display. Then, when I exit the freeway or just run under 50mph, no lights at all. Does anyone know what might be happening? Ur comments are appreciated.
welcome! they probably didn't bleed all the air out of the coolant loop, it can be fussy. reading the codes would help though, it sounds like your car had a lot of issues which may or may not have been repaired properly.
You most likely are low on coolant. You can add it yourself directly into radiator (not into the reservoir) or bring it back to the shop that did the work. It's most likely about half gallon low