We have a 2016 Prius 4 Touring. Made the adjustments so that we have a donut spare, so have these extra parts that are FREE to a good home. Take one or all. There are the two deck foam pieces. There are the two parts (Goop & compressor) for trying to fix a flat. There is one piece to hold down a spare tire. (the dealer gave me the wrong one - too long. It was easier to just order a 2005 hold down off of eBay, which I knew would work. I live in northeastern California. You can pay for shipping or pick it up. I also regularly travel to Reno, NV, to the San Francisco Bay Area, and periodically to the Seattle, WA area. Would be willing to meet up on one of my next trips. Let me know if you are interested or have questions.
Sorry for not replying. I am currently in the hospital fighting a staph infection in my foot/leg. Yes, I still have the foam pieces. The weight is not so much the issue as the bulkiness. If you are game to wait a week+ and if you send me your zip code I will explore shipping options. Thanks. My local Toyota dealer was not interested in them, even for free. He said they just toss them in the trash. You might check with your Toyota dealer?
Thanks for the reply, and hope all goes well, totally understand the situation, a couple of years ago I had something similar. Take care and all the best. Zipcode is 78411, it would be a business address also.
Much improved. Finally released yesterday by my PCP to drive. Not much shipping competition in my small town. I had one box that would fit the smaller half of the two foam pieces, but not the larger. The local shipping place quoted me $98.44 to ship the two pieces to you in Texas. Your call on whether you want to pay the shipping? The weight was not the issue. It is the size and distance. Let me know if you are still interested. I would need the shipping address. Unfortunately if you are not interested they are going to the dump on my next run. Hope all is well.
Great, glad to hear. I think at this point I'm going to pass on those, was thinking of having a backup set of foam pieces if I decide to cut my current foam for a temp spare. I understand the reason for shipping being pretty high though, too bad.
It amazes me how much it costs to ship things these days. International is even worse. We live in a very rural area and travel a lot in areas that very few people travel, so I have to have a temporary spare tire. As you can see from the picture below we have made it work to have the temporary spare and to provide reasonable support around the spare for the deck piece. I also wanted places to put my extra tools, chains, breaker bar, gloves, blanket, rope, etc. Each person is different but this has worked out fine for us.
Before the dump, you might try putting those foam bits up in the free stuff section of your CL : reno free stuff - craigslist (linked to Reno, but can also post in Susanville) Could also post in the Reno ride share section looking for someone traveling into/towards 78411 (Corpus Christi), bet they would be happy to move a weightless object for little ($20) or nothing. With payment upon receipt of course. If you know you will be in the SF bay area / Sacramento or Portland during a period of time then post in advance for that local area and see if you get a bite.
I go into a slow-burn, every time I see the lengths owners of level 4 go to, to fix a deliberate shortcoming. Toyota should get their head out of you know where, get spares back in all levels.