Greetings, I'm looking to find an independent service center to take care of the maintenance of my 2013 Prius from now on. I've been going to the dealer and although they do a good job, the fee is expensive and I'd like to have my car serviced for a more reasonable price. I did a search for local dealers on the forum but didn't find anything useful...also most posts were from several years ago and the few locations I did see where not local. If there is already a thread with this information, I'd appreciate a link...and I'd definitely appreciate any suggestions you might have. Lastly, I did an online search and Fairfax Auto Repair came up...does anybody have any experience with them? There seem to be a lot of good reviews on their site but I'd like more opinions, if possible. Thanks.
Do they push a lot of extras, or are you fairly conversant in the Toyota specified maintenance, ensure they adhere to it? There are a few worthwhile extra services: Toyota does seem to ignore a few worthwhile service items. But, I can see dealership service costs getting out of control, if it's a relatively pushy dealership, and you just say yes to everything they propose. A lot of the extras they tend to propose are tailored to maximize their profit, with minimum parts/labour, and often are totally surplus to requirement, or at best way to frequent. Fuel system cleaning is a prime example. In short, just holding them to specified services, or switching to a dealership with a different attitude, might be all you need. Consider also doing at least partial DIY (Do It Yourself). And: does that $30 cabin filter REALLY need changing??
We do not really have a special place to go in this area. Some of the folks out by Purcellville have mentioned a place. My dealer in Manassas (Miller) sometimes gets good marks...there may be a Costco discount...not sure. PS- welcome to Prius chat
Thanks for the reply. They normally don't push extras...which is why I have been with them for 5 years. Recently, I had to do the major maintenance (over 100k service) and with a couple of additional things I needed, the bill came in over $1K. I told myself there has to be a less expensive place that will do a good job. Traditionally, dealers charge more and in this area, there have to be places with good quality service for less than the dealer charges. I have gone the DIY route before, but where I live I can't do any maintenance and the few times I have found other places to do them, I have felt my time was better spent elsewhere...I'm not into working on cars as some others may be.
Thanks for the reply. I used to be a member of Costco and got tires there last time they needed to be changed. I didn't think about getting them to do service as well. Too bad I don't have the membership anymore or I'd have gotten in touch to see what they charge.
I just passed a fellow Prius driver today on Interstate-70 with the following paint job (actually he passed me - and I don't go too slow): Apparently out of Annapolis, MD and they do batt replacements within 300-mi radius, and a few other services. I have not heard any reports on them.
Not sure which dealers you've called, but I got a quote for some 100k maintenance from Leesburg and Miller in Manassas and Miller is probably a few hundred cheaper on what Leesburg is saying is $1000 worth of work. I just wish Manassas was more convenient for me. I still might try and find an independent though. The idea that a front brake job is several hundred dollars (or $5-700!! at Leesburg) is a bit ridiculous in my book.