whoops, never mind. i do think the core charge rhetoric is a little bogus. i agree that a good price on an oem is not available everywhere, but where they are, it is probably a better option. for example, matt at texas hybrids offers a very good price. iris it jessica at hometown hybrids? i always get them confused.
He said it was bad dc convertor, he fixed the car and gave me a 6 month warranty so I bought the car.
Congrats on the purchase. I would encourage you to spend the $75 or less need to get - Elm Bluetooth OBDII reader - cheap Android phone/tablet - Torque Pro app This way you can read and clear error codes as well as see live diagnostic data. This way you can see info about the car and its hybrid battery.
I have 2013 Prius V which doesn't start , here is the story my friend who is body man came to fix a little work and for safety reasons he pulled out the fuse/switch from HW battery in back after he was done he put it back but the car didn't start , all the lights goes on dash board but it wouldn't start , I know if I take to the dealer they will charge me a lot just to reset it , any body has any idea. Adam
It really is too vague of a report to know for sure what is going on with this car. 2008 is good and the mileage sounds good. But it would be best if you could find someone with Techstream (Toyota diagnostic software) to get more details on the red triangle/fault codes. If you can't find someone local with Techstream I would take it to a Toyota dealership and pay for a detailed report. I did a quick search for you and came up with a company called Exclusively Hybrids in Lake Park, and it looks like Jake has some good reviews.