Every four minutes we get a single, short beep. The gas is full, the radio is off. There is not warning light. We are not in reverse. WHY DOES IT BEEP?!? John
The mileage is just over 1200. And saddly we are in a part of Michigan in which there is no Toyota dealership. john
Ok this is gonna sound really strange, but it actually happened to me. It was in my Mother in laws caddilac. She kept hearing this beep about every 4 or 5 min and it was driving her nuts. So she brought the car over and i sat in the car (off) and waited it took me about 3 beeps to realize that her pager had fallen down between the seats and the battery was low and it was beeping every few min . anyway although a funny story, you might want to see if there is some form of outside apperatus that is causing the beep. Cell phone going dead, pager, etc. let us know what you find and good luck.
I've had a couple instances with my cell phone. One time, I had it plugged into the center console and when I shut the car off to get gas, turning it back on made the phone chirp. That drove me nuts for a little while. Another time, the phone's battery was dying and chirping.
check the tire pressure in the spare, it may be low or the pressure ensor in the tire isn't aligned with the receiver in the trunk. if the pressure is good try turning the tire in 90 degree increments.
My Dear Hubby used to be an appliance repairman. Once, he was called out on a job for an electronics problem... a dryer (with a new, fancy-dancy electronic control board) was beeping every few minutes. He got there, checked it out, then just sat back for a few minutes. Yup. It was a smoke detector in a drawer, with a low battery.