All, Long story short, a few years ago (2015) I purchase a Pluginsupply Plugin conversion kit for a 2010 prius, sold that prius, bought a 2012 Plugin Advanced, had Robb modify the programming on the rear controller for the PiP and then never installed it (right after I bought the kit my father began a very long end of life process and I was focused mainly on working and his care during these years). The kit has been sitting in my spare bedroom for all of this time. I just checked the voltages of the cells and they are still in spec as if they were brand new. Can't believe the shelf life of this tech. So...after much internal debate (and a lot of money spent) I think I'm going to post what I have for sale here and see what offers come in to recoup some of the cost. I'm located in the greater San Diego area and would be willing to try and figure out the most economical way to ship / deliver anything you're interested in (I like road trips if they make sense). I think it would be a shame to split up the kit but I'm willing to if it makes sense and will help me recover the costs. I have thousands into this and it makes me sick thinking it's just sitting here gathering dust...also know that the batteries can be used in other projects like battery walls and RV solar systems. Open to reasonable offers and may even be open to trades for things if you have something interesting and useful to me. Here's the basic list of what I have: 280 x New Headway 40152 (No charge \ Discharge cycles - Never used and always stored in climate controlled environment) 4 x Battery Bank Boxes 1 x PIS REAR controller configured using v2.0 of Robb's Plug-in Prius program 1 x GEN 3 Prius Controller (Only needed if your Prius is not already a Plug-in model) 1 x PIS Contactor Box 1 x TucsonEV J1772 to 5-20R Charging adaptor 1 x P3 Kill A Watt Usage Monitoring Device 1 x Elcon PFC2500 Battery Charger 76 x PIS BMS (Battery Management Cell Boards) v5.00 (with easy connect plugs - no soldering needed) 72 x BMS Cell Board Jumber connectors 154 x BMS Battery to Cell Board connectors 9 x BMS Cell Board Bank connectors Various HV tie-in cables Various Orange cell "blocks" and also bus bars (will count if needed but I know I have more than the mount needed for all cells)
I’m curious if this would be compatible with my Hybrid Highlander. Is this kit designed exclusively for a Gen3 Prius?
Honestly, I'm not sure. I did read that there were installs performed in other vehicals but I think since Robb owned mainly Prius and PiP's it was on that platform that it was developed. The front controller is designed for the Gen 3 and "tricks" the Prius computer into running on battery to a higher speed. With the PiP that front controller isn't needed because the car is designed to run on full EV up to 62 MPH from the factory.
It looks like the website is defunct. Using the Wayback Machine, I dug up their 02/2015 website ... ... there they only mention various flavors of Prius and the CT200h. Is your kit the 7KW or the 4KW system?
It's built the same way as the 4 and 7 but I had Robb help me spec out close to 13KW. That's why there are 4 packs with 4 rows each of 15ah 3.2v cell's. I think it's one of the biggest he's built. The packs can ofcourse be split up into smaller configurations. My original config for my non-PiP was close to 16KW which explains why I have extra cells.
Just a heads up that I will be donating the components for this kit to a non-profit next week if I don't get any reasonable offers. I need this out of my place by Friday of next week. If you want it, this is your last shot.
Def interested. What kind of mileage would you ezpeex out of this kit? And any increase to the max speed avaible to the 2010 Prius or would I still be capped at an effective 30iah mph real world?
If you run this in a standard, non-PiP (using the front computer I have for it) I believe it will favor EV up to about I understand it, the stock Prius favors the battery up to around that speed when it's fully charged. Since this pack will be telling the Prius it's fully charged for a lot longer you will be in a sort of "super hybrid" mode for that amount of time. Also...I cracked the box open with the main computer and all Rob is using is an IDEC smart relay with some programming. My girlfriend is a PLC programmer and she says any electrical engineer or PLC programmer could download the program or modify it as needed. (And no, she's not willing to do that for people so don't ask...she's super busy). YMMV. This kit cost me, in total about 13k new with everything. I'm not looking to get this back. I just want a reasonable offer and the stuff picked up and gone by next Friday. Otherwise, I'll be going the donation route and taking the tax write-off. 619.838.3999 if you are interested in talking. My name is Dan. Text me before you call though since I typically ignore unknow numbers. Let's make a deal happen and get this out of my spare bedroom. Dan
I'll give you a shout and check my finances, but 13k is the cost of a new 2010 and a half! I'd sure love to be able to ride EV mode longer.
Like I said, I'm not looking to make that back. I'm a realist. Honestly, the break even for a write off is about 4500 - 5k for everything so if I'm not near that, the write off donation makes sense. Think it over.