I can't find much about him, other than that he last played basketball in 1987 for a team called the Jersey Jammers. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Took a while but this thread now seems to be of interest to others. Oh Kansas my Kansas Don't even look....
Thankfully it’s dinner time out here on the west coast and we’re spared the viewing of the slaughter.
Pretty sure no one had the red raiders in the final game. But I’m sure one or 2 from Lubbock will claim they did.
I was busy during Virginia Auburn game, which spared readers some commentary. It appeared to have had an exciting and controversial finish. There was plenty of excitement in earlier rounds. This final might not rise to such levels. A Virginia win may be cast in terms of redemption of last year's outcome.It may also prickle Duke, who beat Virginia twice this year.
I was busy myself during that game: Another nice day in Napa and couldn’t resist spending it outside and stimulating the local economy . Prickling Duke isn’t a bad thing and as someone who lived in Richmond for 6 years, I’m rooting for UVA. Go Hoos.
Figures. A "real" basketball game instead of NBA junior varsity, and I have to miss it.... C'est la vie. Baseball it is!!! Go Rays!