So I'm enjoying an adult beverage and streaming Autoline After Hours live. They had a brief 'Dr Data' about gasoline prices so I called in: Much to my surprise, I later heard my 'call-in' comment in the YouTube playback: Start: 1:05:50 End: 1:06:59 Bob Wilson
Years ago, I answered a question correctly on nationally syndicated Dr. Dean Edell radio program. No prize was awarded. I found him just a tiny bit rude. May we open this up? Who else among us has had such brushes with mini-immortality?
no, is that a curling term? i do enjoy watching it with a coffee or cocktail. i do have curly hair. (what's left of it)
You much watch with the sound turned off. Otherwise it's "yep yep yep" and "hard hard hard". Thus, if you only had sound, you'd think it much more interesting than it actually is.
We went to the 2010 Vancouver olympics and watched 2 sessions of curling live. It was a nice environment with the scandanavians being the most animated . The Norwegians have some wild fashion choices for their knickers.
For those behind the Great Firewall: Dr. Data reported three numbers at 35:53 with: $1.96, $2.28, and $2.68 These are the Detroit gas prices over the past three years. My call in was, 'We just passed a massive tax cut and massive spending bill. When that happens, we have to pay the difference with inflated dollars.' Bob Wilson