didn't al gore's son lead cops on a triple digit car chase in a prius in so cal??? (at least jay leno said he did while making some jokes a couple of years ago) i wonder what the top speed of a prius would be with ZR or YR tires??
Since the rating of the tires is not the reason for governing the top speed the Prius would go just as fast even if it was equipped with racing slicks.
I drive my 2004 Prius on the Autobahn everyday and my top speed so far is 183kph (113mph). I usually go 160 when traffic allows. I do have tires rated for this speed. I cannot call myself a hypermiler driving like this (my liters per 100km is 5.1 in Summer, or 46mpg), but I do wonder what mpg the BMWs that blast by me in the fast lane are getting!
Always nice to hear from a neighbour Love the american movies where you see carchases where they hit the magical 100mph... and the next day you drive to Austria doing 125 on the German Autobahn and still being left for dead at that speed by Mercedes' and BMW's some doing over 150mph... Haven't driven my Prius in Germany yet, and you doing 46mpg with that drivingstyle is scary... I don't even get that driving very cautiously... (see sig, that is my average and I'm not a hypermiler, but am constantly aiming for maximum mpg although I do drive as fast as I am allowed, I don't drive so slow that I am a nuiscance for trucks on the highway...)
I can corroborate that, I did just under that this Sunday on the way home from Tampa, I'm guessing that there is a governor on the engine over that, the car showed no sign of topping out and I decelerated as I got to the end of the strip of I75 that Cops cannot hide or park on.
At somewhere near 106, Gen 2's M/G2 is at red line and it won't go faster. Gen 3 can go 115. My v can go 103. In all cases I know of, M/G2 is the limiting factor, so if you want to go faster, you need larger diameter tires.
I can’t even imagine going 90 in this car. Sometimes when I need to pass I’m like, ehhhhh I’ll stay behind lol. #lovemyslowprius
I pulled out to pass a slow combine, turns out there were 5 in convoy, all doing 35. I was doing 95 MPH by the time I passed them all. (on the road, the cutter bar is towed behind a pickup, and rest is street legal, but slow)
In my childhood community, they wouldn't be going 35 on the highway. They'd be going barely half that, for the benefit of the underage drivers (e.g. looking about 10-13 years old) in the pickups. All the available adults are needed for the combines or other heavy equipment. My highest was 94 mph, catching up just enough to get a license plate of a road rage driver who nearly struck cyclists at an event rest stop, then nearly struck me as he blasted back on to the road without looking as I approached the stop. (I was an event support driver.) I didn't see the speedo during that time, but checked back later for the day's maximum as recorded on the ScanGauge-II.
I got my 2005 up too 102mph on a lonely stretch of 4 lane highway just see if it go over 100. The car was amazingly stable. I also switched to Kph to see the big number of 164 kph iPhone X ?