I have just been given a Gen4 Prius as a company car which I absolutely love. It' the exel model so has everything on it. The problem is with the parking sensors and assisted parking mode. The sensors show the object to be on the other side of the car. For example pulling onto my drive earlier the system alerted me to an obstruction on my front right but the obstruction was actually on the left. The same with the parking assist, the car steers the opposite way to where it should go. The side sensors also show an obstruction to be on the opposite side to where it actually is. Its driving me crazy. Has anyone experienced this before???
Hi Dave, welcome to Prius Chat from across the Bristol channel. Can't say I've heard of that before in my 18+months on here. Sounds like there are wires crossed somewhere, so unless your spot at Remedial DIY, I'd get the dealership to fix it. Talk to your fleet manager or whatever the company has.
No issue to report with my 4 month old Business Plus model either. I'd definitely be contacting the dealer to get resolved.
Some system firmware must be inverting that system, are your front/back sensors working as intended? At any rate get round to your closest Dealer asap.
@Dave lowes - just to clarify, your profile shows you as having a Prius C. I know you said you'd just got a Gen 4 Prius and wondered if you could clarify for us please. Either way it doesn't affect the answers you already received. Happy Easter.