My 2010 was hit and i am repairing the upper radiator support myself. I need to know the dimensions so I can repair it. I know collision shops use some kind of software that say the dimensions. Does anyone know where I can get these dimension?
See the “Body Dimensions” section of the Collision Repair Manual (BM1290U), available by subscription to The pages from this manual are also available on the ChiltonLibrary service, if your local public library sponsors access for its patrons; look under 2015 Toyota Prius > Repair > Body > Collision - Exterior; the same manual covers model years 2010–2015.
Well, measuring the crashed one gets you the dimensions of a crashed Prius. Measuring some friendly owner's Prius is better, but would take you a long time to replicate all the measurements that are available for you in the CRM, and the ones in the book are prior to your measurement error. You will inevitably incur measurement error on your own car as you are repairing it, but you don't need to incur it twice. And the CRM measurements are cleverly chosen to be between easily recognized reference points on the body, and to run in enough different directions to pin down the correct 3-dimensional shape fairly precisely. -Chap