Greetings. Nothing ventured is nothing gained, so I'll ask. Any Prius owners near Nashville who may want to do a group meet and greet? Let's celebrate our common good taste for the Prius. Thanks.
@TheChip and I might wanna meet halfway here sometime this Summer. Im from Chicago and He's from Mississippi. So Nashville seems to be the midway point for us to finally meet. We should make a scheduled date when it gets closer to Summer. @Devikah do you know any good places to eat when we go or any tourist things we might be interested in? Never stopped in TN before.
I'm a good ways off, but I've always wanted to visit that place that invented Nashville hot chicken! Just set a good time on a Saturday and I'll make the drive up!
How would you guys feel about crashing an autocross event for our meet up? Show these guys some Prius power! Tennessee Region SCCA - Home | Facebook Tennessee Region SCCA