Check engine came on and when the normal engine starts this rough very very loud sound comes on, could be heard from 400 feet away I'd say. I added more oil thinking maybe it was low(which marking indicated it was low) but the rough sound still comes on. What can possibly be wrong?
hoo boy, a lot of things, i know that. take it somewhere to have the codes read. how many miles on him?
how much oil did you add? what color was the oil when you checked it? it almost looks from your post that you don't really know how to check the oil. you may have engine damage.
Other trouble lights? There is a separate oil pressure light on your dash, although some say when it comes on damage may already be done. Don't drive it until you have it looked at - if it needs a tow, do it, so you don't risk further damage. As pointed out, a qualified mechanic needs to check the computer to see what is wrong. Year and miles? Service record? Are you still under warranty? Good luck!
I had the same issue today. Very loud rattle in engine, then smelled something like oil or rubber burning. Check engine light is on now. Seems to be a problem with the ICE. Electric motor and engine seem fine. Any ideas? Looks like I may need to tow it or more damage may be done. Rattle seems to be getting worse not better as I let it run, particularly when trying to drive the car in forward or reverse. 2012 Prius V with about 75K miles.
Hi The ice is the engine. Internal Combustion Engine. You posted in the G2 forum you need to post this in the G3 forum your car is a Gen3 car. But do some searching. Many many posts about the egr system getting clogged and making horrible engine noises in a G3. The egr system needs to be cleaned out. Go over to the G3 forum and read all the posts in the Repair Maintenance section. Use the Search Forum button on the top of the page. Put EGR in the search. Or your engine is out of oil.