It is the USA measure. Keep in Mind that the cars cumputer can be as much as two to four mpg higher than actual mpg. Even considering that, the mpg would still be over 70.
I have a question about the rust that you experienced in one small spot on the roof. I have been to Hilo, it is quite beautiful. I know it rains a lot with high humidity year round. When I was there I put two and two together and realized that in order for a place to be that lush and beautiful that it has to have a lot of rain! I am wondering is your car parked outside most of the time? Does it spend a lot of time with water sitting on the roof? Just wondering if it was somewhat extreme conditions that led to some corrosion after just two years. I realize it was a very small area that was affected.
It does rain a lot and is humid but not as humid as Florida. It is parked outside all the time but on a slight angle down. Where the water does collect and stay longer is on the hatch lid spoiler area. And that isn't showing signs of rust. The cars are shipped here from Honolulu on another island. They sometimes are just put on the deck of a barge rather than in a container. And in that case some people speculate that cars often get ocean salt water spray on them. And if the dealer lets the cars sit for a long time without washing that could start some corrosion.
The hatch lid, as far as I know is Aluminium, not sure what the spoiler is made of - it may be a non-metallic. Both are non-magnetic.
Thanks. And thanks for watching. You are correct that I do very little highway driving nornally and even less in the last several months.
Nice video, Jimmy. Thanks. As to the rust, we lived for nine years on a small Caribbean island. Rust was a non-stop struggle there costing hundreds of dollars a year in body shop work. It didn't need to get splashed with salt water (although that's way worse). There's enough salt just in the air to make lots of rust.
Great video! My 2016 is coming up on 2 years in June, and I've just turned over 10,200 miles. If I hadn't lost my Gen 2 to an accident, I'd still be driving it. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I thought I was skirting the low end of mileage only putting on 15,000 a year. Were you driving that few miles in your Gen 2? The Prius likes to be driven.
It had 79K when I totaled it in 2016. I love driving my Prii, but not so much around here. Although I should wander around more to get familiar with the area... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Another vote for the great video Jimmy. My Prius has just turned a year old and 5000 miles. I didn't know that the EV screen showed different results depending on which trip you are on, so thanks for that great tip
You're welcome, JimmyPri, and I wish you good health and many more happy miles in your 2016 Prius. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.