No, it's a misleading easy of starting the difference between estimate & actual. You drive aggressively or really fast or use the heater or get stuck in heavy traffic... your outcome will be lower than calculated prior to leaving. Here in Minnesota, I see my estimate is now up to 26 miles. With the sub-freezing temps, I'm only getting around 23. Back when warmer weather returns, I'll see low 30's.
My estimate this morning after charge was 31.5 miles. I was able to get 33.7 actual EV miles today @ 51°. It's been slowly going up as the weather warms. (both estimate and actual)
No, I've seen mine at 35. A full charge is about 103% I've never seen it lower than 22.5, and I've actually gone as much as 35.5.
IIRC my range meter peaked at 38 miles the last time weather was balmy although I've driven over 45 miles on a single charge. Nowadays I don't know since I prefer to just follow the SoC so that I can pick the best time during my drive to warm up the ICE.
In cold Massachusetts, I currently see about 23 miles on a full charge. Last summer it increased to 33 to 35 miles. On rare occasions I have seem as high as 37 miles. It depends on AC usage I think. Not bad for a 5 mile each way commute to work. We will see what next summer brings.
Had another interesting experience yesterday… Fully charged and going down a steep hill, the gauge didn’t go any higher than 27.5. When I reach the bottom of the hill at a stop, I noticed the ICE was on. I had no air going, no other climate Controls (seat warming, steering wheel), etc. What would cause the ICE to come on in a situation like that? I do remember my second generation Prius doing some engine revving in situations like that, and I wondered if this was similar. Anyone experience something like this with their prime?
ICE activation for regeneration near or at battery full has been talked about to death on this forum.
Anytime a newbie brings up the topic, we could bring it to an impasse by requesting actual data. If they are willing to pay the $12 for a reader and $5 for the app, then collect data to share, it's a constructive contribution. If not, they can search for the existing topics already answering their questions.
What exactly is it “regenerating”? Doesn’t seem like there’s anything to regenerate at that point. Turning my car off and back on stopped it.
Going down a hill means the energy of descent has to go somewhere. The options are, charge the battery, use the friction brakes or spin the engine for engine braking. If the battery is full, engine braking is the next best so the car starts the ICE for that reason. Once it's started, it has to go through a whole warmup cycle before it stops.
It does shows 35mile range when it’s fully charged but actual driving range is about 23miles. I don’t drive much in the locals, most in Highway speed that might make the difference.
Thanks Jay! I appreciate your helping with this newbie question. It'd be nice if the forum would prompt you "This question may have been answered in these previous posts {list}... are you sure you want to post this?"
DF00C4C9-040A-41D0-A3D8-E8DD347F1EC4 by Wuzki posted Mar 21, 2018 at 9:14 AM it’s at 23.5miles-1.6miles = 21.9miles. 1.6mileslast night from gas station to my house. 35miles range I don’t see it as possible there.
Do it SEVERAL times, especially if you've had that low 21 mile EV figure for quite a while. Like Bisco says, this "reading" is only a prediction of the range you'll achieve based on your past experience. If you can practice Crippled Snail driving for quite a while, you will see this absolute value rise. Then if you were to repeat the experiment of a full charge at the top of the hill coasting down to the bottom of the hill, your Absolute Total at the top of the hill would be higher and your total at the bottom of the hill would match that higher total because you had reached a higher absolute number, thanks to your historical slow/smooth driving. I'm lucky in that I can use slower moving surface streets for a lot of my driving. These alternative routes can sometimes even be smoother and faster than the ultra busy freeways. If you don't have a life, you can figure out the most efficient routes for your Prime, including proximity to charge stations near food, etc. Don't forget to have FUN with this car; yes, Martha, it can be driven with verve too!! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I observe the same situation. I assume battery still charges even EV range maxed out, which is 27.9 in your case, and 33.1 in my case.