Hey guys, I am excited to join the community. I am about to go back to the dealership for a quick in service for how to check basic tire pressure and fluid levels. Anything else I need to know? I bought the extra 10-year warranty but I am going to cancel! Got the car for 24,700 is that a good deal?? After taxes and dealership fee 27,000. It's 2017 Prius 3 V.
Welcome! I see that you plan on cancelling your extended warranty. When you do so, can you share with us how you will get your money back (assuming that you took out a loan)?
Welcome, be nice to your dealer and hopefully they will be nice to you, if you financed as you know, they will credit your account with the money, if you paid cash they will refund the money, be firm about cancelling, if it's a toyota finance warrantee I would call toyota finance and deal with them the dealer won't help you, and be firm with toyota finance. Toyota is very good at sweet talking clients, but it's your money.
Thanks for all the advice, it was paid with cash. The finance person said the 3rd party insurance, Fidelity will send me the check. Bought Car last Saturday, Sunday I went to cancel. It was frustrating to hear the check will be mailed! Ahh
IIRC, there was a recent new owner that cancelled his extended warranty, while having a loan. And instead of refunding him the money (or crediting it back), his payments were to stay the same. I believe his payments would end sooner. I was wondering if that was common practice or it was an exception.