When you fill up your gas tank, how many cruising miles does your car say? For the most part mine says 370 miles unless I add a bit more after gas pump stops. The most I’ve seen was 389 miles.
I have been unable to get my car to talk to me. However, when tanking up I always get over 100 mpg and try for a 1000 mile/ tank useage. the last three times were 104, 106 and 96. The mpg reading on my dash generally displays about the same, usually a bit more, like 110 mpg. I tend to agree with the manual system, although it’s fraught with errors, like: how full is full? Hope this answers your question.
I noticed that, his post came to me by Email. So I answered it from my perspective. I should think the OP may notice what I’m driving. Anyway I notice that unlike how it was before the last change, everything is discombobulated with very little order. I also like to read the real action. The Prime is so boring.
G'day, I usually see about 680km. Feel free to practice your x16 tables (as a 1.6 divisor) to get the rough equivalent miles . I expect this is a safety-first under-estimate, given the actual distance depends so much on how the car is driven, the roads, and the weather. City-only driving gives me more than this before the km figure gets to near 0 (often still have a couple of blips on the fuel gauge), motorway-interstate driving is much more consumptive/expensive so this full-tank estimate is about right for a >600km country trip. David S.
As David 45 said, it’s all about conditions, weather, air pressure, temperature type of traffic. and lastly but not leastly, all these Prii calculate your future mileage based on your past driving so that number indicating range is all very subjective. It’s a guess. However, you can change it and increase that # by better driving. Meaning, slower speeds, steady speeds, more gliding, etc.
If I remember correctly, my last fill up was 412 miles. I did see those low numbers you mentioned estimated myself during the winter. But now that it's getting warmer, I cleared my vehicles history to give me a somewhat more accurate estimate.
Mine also varies by many miles... sometimes after a "fill up" showing 393...then other times up to 405...seemingly like I am putting the same amount of gas in... don't know why it fluctuates so much... I understand it is just an "estimate", so not really interpreted as gospel on the actual mileage left.
I have noticed my cruising range after fill-up is based on my previous mpg on the previous tank if gas overall mpg Z917VL ?
The gas tank fill up will always vary, nothing can be done except to average all your readings. In ref to post 9.
In cold weather, it would read 330s (+ the 30-50 last 1.5gal that I know the car doesn't show once it hits 0 and beeps) AND In hot weather, I've had it read near 400s (+ the 30-50 last 1.5gal after the 0 beep)
I've seen as high as 485 (before the 1.5), but that was when I was doing my old commute and getting 60 mpg tanks.
My miles per tank: always over 1000 miles. The question on calculating is: How full is full, did you spill some gasoline? What is lost from evaporation? Do you always stop pumping at exactly the same fill-up. are you sure? prove it.
You obviously do not stop pumping at the same degree of fullness. But it is not critical to do so: a slightly fuller fill on one tank will balance out on the next. The more consecutive tanks you calculate, the more deadly your overall fuel economy calculation becomes. If you stop at first shut off you won't be spilling gas, and the tank is well sealed: evaporation is minuscule.