2013 Prius, Hit the started button, foot solidly on the brake, dash lights all come on but car doesn't actually start and won't go into gear. Without moving foot press starter button once more and the car starts as normal and will go into gear. Before I contact a local Toyota dealer (I really don't trust as they seem to be on a mission to upcharge)) has anyone else had this issue or know what the problem is? Thanks in advance.
When you put your foot on the brake check to see if the rear stop lights really come on. Brake switch problems may make the car think your foot is not on the brake, make sure you push hard.
AND make sure that you push the brake FIRST and wait for the symbol on the dash that acknowledges that the "security checks" have passed......BEFORE you push the ON button. Happens to me with some regularity and it is ALWAYS my fault.
Sometimes I get in a hurry and hit the brakes and the start button at the same time and like Sam says it is important to make sure the brakes are set before the start button.
Thanks. Got it to repeat once but wasn't where I could see the tail lights. Now I can't get it to happen. I'll keep watch, thanks. What does this mean?
Thanks. Got it to repeat once but wasn't where I could see the tail lights. Now I can't get it to happen. I'll keep watch, thanks. What does this mean?
Thanks. Got it to repeat once but wasn't where I could see the tail lights. Now I can't get it to happen. I'll keep watch, thanks. What does this mean?
There are times when I have to press the brake pedal further, and sometimes almost floor it then the green led will light up on start button. Some days just tap hold brake pedal an inch down
It means that a weak 12 V battery can cause all kinds of intermittent things to happen. IF this continues to happen when you are SURE that you did things in the right sequence, then you should have the 12 V battery tested and the connections checked.
Ok here's the latest. The car has been starting normally for the most part but not always. Haven't had time to take it to a dealership but will try to make a Friday am appointment. The green light on the starter button always comes on when the brake is pressed but notably ALL the dash lights come on when it will not start. So, When the car will not start normally this chain of steps is what it takes. Foot on brake, try starter button. If all the dash lights come on and no start, with foot still on brake press the park button then the start button. Car starts. Seem less likely its the brake switch. Sounds electrical or parking brake related but any opinions?
As previously mentioned it is likely that the 12-volt battery, in the right rear of the vehicle needs replacing. When the battery starts deteriorating it is unable to charge fully. These autos are full of computers that demand higher voltages which an older battery is unable to supply. Then they (the computers) start behaving strangely. I have experienced the same problem you are having and a new battery solved my difficulties.
What I haven't seen discussed yet is whether READY is illuminated on the dashboard after foot on brake, START button green light, press START, dashboard light check. If vehicle is made READY (Prius-talk for starting), then there is usually a short delay until the ICE actually begins running. This delay is even longer if the engine was recently run and is at operating temperature.
AzWzGuy, When the car will NOT start, brake pedal depressed, start button pressed, ALL the lights on the dash are illuminated including the ready light. Hope that is what you are referring to. My wife seems to have discovered the brake, start, park, start method. Battery question for someone who has replaced, The battery when checked this evening did not have a full charge. I trickle charged it full. Tomorrow I plan to take it to an auto parts store for a battery load check. Assuming the battery needs replaced, what battery are you using to replace the original? Thanks
I went to autozone on January 2nd to replace our 2010’s 12v (battery was original from 2009): Has worked well so far .
Some other AGM (glass mat) replacement batteries are made by: Optima, Exide, and the Toyota OEM replacement is said to be very good. Just be sure and get the right one for the Prius. They have a vent that hooks up to a tube in the battery area and vents overboard.
Thanks guys, getting the battery checked this afternoon, will post findings. Interesting a 2009 Prius was mentioned. When we went to a new Prius gave a 2009 to our daughter who took it to the west coast several years ago.. Still running great and I haven't heard of her changing any batteries. Will have to check.
I suspect your cold temperatures may have a lot to do with these problems, as well. Does the car sit outside?
Actually I live in Clearwater Florida now. Can't seem to find a way to change that on this forum. Had the battery checked at Napa Auto Parts. They said the battery is fine. Not happy with my nearest Toyota dealer but maybe they can see if any codes pop up. Daughter says the original batteries on her 2009 Prius are still going strong, even in Oregon temps.