Here is a video I found that may help some people dealing with icy winter roads. How To Drive On Icy Roads
Each year, the first time we get ice or snow, I purposely find an empty, flat, unobstructed parking lot and MAKE the car slide around to freshen my muscle memory and reaction time. It's easy to get out of practice over the summer. I test the anti-lock brakes to see just how long they take to stop, etc., etc. I want to know / remember how the car acts before I NEED to know.
I think you need to share some of your brain cells with a LOT of other drivers on the roads today. But I fear that there aren't enough to go around. In another thread, on here I think, a driver indicated that it was not possible that he was doing anything wrong because he wasn't going over the speed limit.........even though it was snowing and there were icy spots on the road.......and he ended up in the ditch. It's the damn car that failed; no WAY it was the driver.
LOL, I have less to go around every day. Plus I killed a few more today when I drank that scotch and soda.