Well, I make little short movies for fun. I am also the proud owner of a 2004 Toyota Prius! Check out my latest movie titled H.A.R.D. 2, which features my PRIUS IN ACTION! The video can be viewed HERE.
This video was filmed with the DVX100 in 24p for the video tech geeks, also.. quicktime is needed to view the video. It can be downloaded here: DOWNLOAD HERE!
Hi ptpiz, I can see that you're trying very hard to make this movie lighthearted and satirical, but unfortunately, I don't find the combination of kids and guns funny under any circumstances. However, I can see that you're very talented. When I have time, I'm going to look around your website and see some of your other stuff. The bit about the Prius was funny. I hope you're enjoying your car as much as I'm enjoying mine.
*laughs* I hate to tell you Marg, but in many states you don't even have to be of legal age to drive before being able to legally own a handgun. From the looks though, I don't even think it was a real gun. Anywho, Pete, other than the obvious dump on the Prius in the movie, you're quite talented - doing films seems to be something you truly enjoy and keep at it because you've really got a knack for it! Love the Matrix music too! -m.
Thanks. All of my other work can be seen at my website http://www.pizcofilms.com This includes our biggest project, the Anomaly, and if you like matrix stuff, this film is a complete story about the matrix. Anyway, we did have to poke fun at the speed of the prius, and being a prius owner, i did not totally agree with it... but i mean c'mon guys, you know this is one of the slower cars on the road... I mean, I drove my friend's Acura TL the other day and I was accidentally going around 90 MPH on the highway without even pressing the pedal that much. I know the prius is not a sports car, but we had to take the opportunity to make fun of the car. But, i LOVE MY PRIUS... and i don't care how slow it is.. I wouldn't trade it for any other car in it's price range!
Can you make it so I can download the .mov file and watch it from my hard drive? Even with a high speed net connection, this is my preferred way of doing it. thanks, brian
Brian just point your browser to http://pizcofilms.com/videofiles/ and right click save target as on hard2.mov
I did look around the site, and watched HARD2 and The Anomaly. Given I have not seen the Matrix (I know, I'm a loser), I'll presume your short was true to the original concept. I'll second Marg's comment. There seems to be a gratuitous "swear and shoot a lot" theme but I expect you'll get over that and do well with your talent. While I'm far from a film critic, watching the films yielded the impression "well done", not "geez, another crummy home movie."
Thanks. The Anomaly is NOT the story of the matrix, but actually a story that just takes place in the matrix. The story is original, we just used the matrix as our setting. Anyway, we are starting to draw away from the whole "action and guns" theme. I am starting to develop my talent to use it towards REAL work. We are makign our FIRST original short film this summer. It is currently in pre-production. It will be released in September.
I hate to say it, but "popular" movies are more likely to be filled with extreme violence - part of me even wonders if people understood that Kill Bill Vol. 1 was a parody and satarical of the large amount of violence shown in typical samauri flicks - and in larger part, american movies in general. Anyway, the key is to tell your story in your own unique way, be it with humor, or be it with a straight face. I think the important thing to focus on is that you have a talent in telling stories your own way, and keep focusing on that and honing your skills. In essence, keep up your work and as I'm sure you know, the toughest critic in your work is yourself! I'm looking forward to checking out the matrix movie later tonight from home, I'll let you know what I think of it then! -m.
I too was impressed with the editing and cinematic talent, but felt it could be better applied to other material. I enjoyed the multiple angles and how well thought out they were - that for me is what took it beyond ametur.
Pt: i havent yet seen your movies as im downloading it right now. but i couldnt help but read the posts here and let me say that no matter what the subject matter of your movies, someone will not like them. being a sad fact of our existence doesnt make it any less true that americans have an obsession with guns and movies that utilize guns and violence in an effort to entertain us. for example, name the last film that was a blockbuster that didnt involve violence. hmmm...well not many of them are there? and there wont be many either. i guess some will argue that Harry Potter would be one. ok there are no guns, but there is weapons nevertheless. the concept doesnt change much. its just sugarcoated for the preteen set. now as far as the legal age to own a handgun... i guess i must say im glad i dont live in VA.
Well, don't worry guys, its obviously not a real handgun. a few teens cannot go running the streets with a glock in their hands! It's just an airsoft BB gun that shoots plastic projectiles! Thats all.
i clicked on the anomaly link and it says i need a quicktime file that is not available on thq quicktime server. i am using mozilla would that be a problem? i have viewed a few of your other movies without any problems.
Pedro, Oh my g*d, somehow, a few guys must have gotten your idea a few years ago and ripped you off!!!! You should sue! On the serious side, your movie was fantastic. Even having the Matrix to base your moves, fight scenes etc off of, I have seen many professional films that, lets be honest also have the Matrix to base their stuff on and theirs sucks! Your fight scenes were superb and the multiple angles and continuity between scenes was very, very good! Keep it up. Don't quit your day job (stay in school, etc....) but keep this dream alive.
lol... yeah.. that Anomaly is awesome. I used to do video.. but never learned a lot of techniques. You're doing good. Keep it up.