I've noticed the last few Turbo Tax program & form updates have come out on Fridays. I bet we finally get 8936. The IRS releases the forms, Turbo Tax adds them and then must wait for the IRS to approve the Turbo tax changes before they let us use it. No form 8911 (Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit) though. See this on 8911.
You are looking at line 17. On line 15 it says "If the vehicle has at least four wheels, leave lines 16 and 17 blank and go to line 18" The $4,502 is entered on line 4, and gets carried down to lines 15, 18 and 19. Lines 20-23 then determine how much of the $4,502 you are allowed to enter on form 1040 line 54.
8936 is ready to go in Turbo tax! Just filed. Form 8911 now has language on it, but it is still pending.
Both 2017 forms 8911 and 8936 have been available for download for a few days. We filed the complete package 2 days ago.
My tax guy calls today to inform me my taxes are ready to be completed as soon as the tax credit form gets to them. I turned them in 3 weeks ago. Are we still waiting for this form? I thought it had been sent out. Anyone else waiting or not?
Both 8911 and 8936 are ready to mail and/or e-file. Turbo Tax just added the final version of 8911 this morning in the weekly form update (8936 was last week)
Was anyone able to get the 8911 credit in TurboTax? It keeps saying the credit is $0. Yes, I owe tax and TurboTax updated before I used it this evening. The 8911 form wasn't even in the final tax forms so I couldn't even look at what TurboTax was filling out on the form. Update: there's a bug in TurboTax regarding this form. Form 8911 currently doesn't calculate personal exemption only gi... - TurboTax Support
I can't claim a credit on 8911. Using a copy of my TurboTax return, I updated the "Energy-efficient vehicle charging station" credit and entered a cost of $1000 for total cost. TT did give me a $300 credit. By switching to "Forms" view, I do see form 8911. TT did update the other day. The photo is part of form 8911. I'm using TT version 2017.r20.089 on a Mac
My tentative minimum tax was more than my net regular tax on the form so I don't qualify for the tax credit. I still need to check, but if the numbers on the 8911 form are correct, I don't qualify for tax credit, so it appears that there is not a bug in TurboTax. Qualifying for this tax credit is not as simple as it seems. Update: I had a solar system tax credit which lowered my net regular tax, which thus made me intelligible for the 8911 credit.
Yes (from TurboTax) If you end up with a bigger credit than you have income tax due—a $3,000 credit on a $2,500 tax bill, for instance—you can't use the credit to get money back from the IRS. Instead, generally, you can carry the credit over to the following tax year. However, it is not yet clear whether you can carry unused credits to years after the solar credit expires.
But I don't think I can elect to use just some of my tax credit this year to be able to get the 8911 tax credit, and use the rest of the solar credit next year?