I truly hate to post this but I am truly torn on what to chose. I currently drive a 2007 Tundra great truck less than great gas mileage. I am in need of a fuel efficient vehicle and figured if I am gonna do it I am gonna do it right. With that being said I decided on a Prius or maybe a Camry Hybrid. I was leaning towards the Prius but researching as I do I am on the fence. I am unfortunately on a bit of a budget of around 15k max. So as I got to looking around online I found several that seemed like good deals and was gonna go look at them this weekend. The majority of the ones available with the better options were 2010 models which at the time was no big deal. Then I found this forum and discovered that 2010's seem to have oil leak/loss issues. I don't wanna have to keep feeding a car oil every 1000 miles so I pretty much opted out of that year model. So I then found a few 2011 and above models in my price range but most had a few less options but was not a deal breaker. Then I then found on the forum the EGR issues at 100k or so on most all "turd generation" as one person called them...lol which was a total bummer. I am not mechanically inclined so I would not probably be able to do the cleaning required to fix that issue. So do the Camry Hybrid's have the same issue? 2016's and above are out of my price range. Are the gen3's a no go? Any suggestion? Sorry if the post jumps around a bit I am at work and trying to type when I have spare time to do so...
I wouldn't worry so much about the year. I had a 2010 Prius traded it when it got to 155k. miles, no issues at all. My current Prius is a 2012 with 165k. miles, no issues either. I'd concentrate on it's maintaince history. Since your already a Toyota owner you know how well they are built. I think if you got a car properly maintained since it was new you'll be ok.
There are a good many vehicles besides the generation 3 Prius in the price range you are considering that have oil consumption issues. If you compare them at CarComplaints.com | Car Problems, Car Complaints, & Repair/Recall Information it will give you some kind of idea how they measure up against one another. My 2010 Prius has no oil consumption or EGR issues but it is low mileage (60,000) and has an oil catch can modification.
As you probably already know, forums and the internet can be nets that catch only problems. That is, people will join, log in, and post if their Prius starts burning oil, but owners who are NOT having the problem, rarely create posts just to say everything is fine. That being said, I have read numerous posts about what people consider premature oil burning in 2010 Prius, and also the EGR problem you site. So I believe for some it has become a problem. I wouldn't worry too much about the EGR valve, as even if you do need to have it cleaned, I would file it under affordable maintenance. If you are worried about Oil Burning or premature Oil burning or loss? Well no vehicle comes with a guarantee. It's 2018 so 2010's are now 8 years old. I don't think you can purchase any 8 year old used vehicle with a guarantee the engine might not start burning oil. So the easiest advice to me? Would be to investigate Camry Hybrid if you are amiable and interested. I don't know too much about them. Then if your interest in Prius remains the first choice? Then a general rule is the newer, and with the least amount of mileage the better. BUT...even that comes with no guarantees possible. I always ask a person on a budget if they have considered a Prius c? It's a subcompact but with 15K to spend on one? You might be looking at much newer, lower mileage vehicles. But if you are coming from a Tundra? That's quite a size and power change. 2010 is the first model year of the Gen 3. I tend to avoid first model years. I actually like a vehicle vetted to the first refresh.
Another 2010 here, with zero oil usage. I'm actually a bit surprised: we've always had Hondas, and was used to anywhere between a cup and 3 consumption between oil changes. Still, it might help to be DIY inclined: there are issues of the EGR system clogging, with various ramifications, including raising engine temperatures, and something dumping a fair bit of oil and what have you into the intake manifold, likely the PCV valve, and there is an Oil Catch Can patch for that.
You may want to look at this recent thread: https://priuschat.com/conversations/2012-2014-prius-95k-miles.137698/#message-220834
welcome! we have had two hycams, but never close to 100,000 miles. i'm not sure if much high mileage hycam reliability is available here. for 15k, can't you find a low mile 2014 or 15?
My gen 3 is a 2012 with 225K miles running flawlessly. We actually purchased it only a few thousand miles ago. We did get a CEL for the EGR and replaced/cleaned out a few of the components (egr valve; egr cooler). No biggie. Been around 6 months CEL never came back. Possibly never cleaned before so it went 225k miles without issue. At your price you should be getting a practically new car with extremely low miles. It is possibly a myth that the 2010 burns oil because if you check car-part.com (junkyard database) all the gen 3s are interchangeable with each other. Some burn oil some don't. Same with gen 2s and most cars.
On Prius its nice to still be on some of the 8-yr/100-mile warranty maybe couple years left on there. I am putting Camry Hybrid on my list because I think the very newest model is starting to be what I always wanted. But in 2006 the Prius was the better choice, but I still don't know how I talked myself out of that blue 2006 Camry Hybrid first one on the lot.
The 2nd gen Camry Hybrid (2012-2017) isn't a bad choice either. It'll also make the transition from the Tundra to a hybrid smoother (almost literally. The Camry is definitely a more comfortable car than the Prius, especially if you're doing highway driving and you're used to a bigger car). The 2nd Gen TCH was rated at 40mpg combined at the time (I don't know what the new 2017 EPA-adjusted would be). The trunk is a bit smaller but they have a pass-through for skis/snowboards or similarly long and slender items on the passenger side of the 60/40 split folding rear seat.
Then the inverter dying on the highway going to limp mode forcing you to cross multiple lanes after software update that was suppose to fix it. I don't recommend Toyota Prius anymore, let alone buy a Toyota car. Invest in a Honda Civic hybrid