Interesting show. Sorta a SciFi Desperate Housewives sort of thing. Entire town is secret government scientist refuge. Kids are all geniuses. In first ep looks like town mechanic made main character's car into an EV or something. And in the titles tonight I think I saw a Smart Car parked in town. It was so fast I didn't catch it. At first I thought it was a Think but I think all of those were crushed by Ford so now I'm thinking Smart Car. Those aren't electric, are they? BTW it's filmed in Canada and I know Smart Cars are available there. I really wish the town was full of EVs of some sort. It would fit with the rest of the premise. Main character moved into a Smart House tonight. Of course this leaves plot openings for computer glitches.
Smart car is a diesel, three cyl. I think. Yes, it's available in Canada. I was flying on a 4lane divided hwy in B.C. and was passed by one. He had to be doing 150 kmph!
Well, I know that psychotherapist Beverly Barlowe's car is electric - I don't think that U.S. Marshal Jack Carter really appreciated the electric car, tho. He looked all bent over while driving, with a scowl on his face. Henry Deacon (the town mechanic, and then some) worked on Jack's car, and definitely tweaked it, but I got the impression - when both Henry and Sheriff Cobb advised Jack to "keep it on the ground" - that Henry threw a souped-up turbo engine in the car. Not that I watched the show ... twice.