I saw this on the news quickly, we're getting new licence plates in New South Wales and I could've sworn they were being unveiled on a Prius. All I could find on the net was this story with a photo, it is a Prius, right?
I think it could be a Privia. Sorry big picture [Broken External Image]:http://www.toyota.de/media/dede/images/showroom/previa/pre_03_gal_800x600_04_im.jpg
Thanks Danny, I wonder if there was any relevance to the story, or if they just happened to use a Prius. I didn't know there was a 'Previa' in Australia... but I just looked it up and it exists. Can't say I've ever seen one. From what I saw on TV I dont think it was a van, though.
I think it's a Prius, the front of the Previa has a bit of a sharp edge / point, the Prius doesn't have this, it's more rounded off. Furthermore, the area just above the license plate is a bit more horizontal on the Prius, just like it's on the Australian picture. [Broken External Image]:http://www.xs4all.nl/~krkr/toyota/voorkant/prius-voorkant10.jpg