Hello from the UK West Midlands. I've owned my Prius for a couple of weeks and must say it's great. I've been promising myself one for years but have a love of Citroens. So when the chance presented itself last year I bottled it and bought another big Cit C5 estate 2.2 diesel auto Exclusive. A lovely car but mpg was mid to high twenties around town and then when I had to tax and insure it last month I realised it had cost me nearly £700 before I even turned a wheel! Now I'm retired I knew I had to do something so goodbye Citroen C5 hello Toyota Prius. Luckily a dealer about 5 miles away had two in stock, the T4 and a black 2007 Spirit with all the toys which I really fancied. It was low mileage at 47k and the T4 was 60k. I drove over and had a test drive in the T4 which was lovely, although running through the startup procedure was very strange as I'd never been in one before. Then I had a test drive in the Spirit which was what I was looking forward to. Well what a disappointment, it was awful! Noisy, bouncy and nowhere near as nice as the T4, so my mind was made up and I left a deposit. I also did a px for the Citroen so didn't have to worry about that. I picked the T4 up a few days later and drove straight to the petrol station as the low warning lamp was flashing. I brimmed the tank and since then have done 380 miles and the gauge is showing half a tank, amazing. I have been averaging about 56-58mpg but this last week we have had really bad snow and ice and that has dropped to 49-50mpg. The snow has all gone now and I'm hoping my average will creep back up. Hopefully this will be a keeper as I really enjoy driving it, I think the insurance may be similar to the Citroen but obviously the low tax is a winner.
For the US and metric readers, these are: 46 - 48 (US) MPG .. 5.04 - 4.87 L/100 km 41 - 42 (US) MPG .. 5.76 - 5.65 L/100 km