Generally I'll drive my son to school in the morning, come back home, then head out to work about an hour later. I'm still experimenting with multiple charge events on a single day, but I'd love to top off that 10% used from the school trip before setting out again. Right now, we're looking like: DEPARTURE 9:30am DEPARTURE 8:30am Do you think the Prius savvy enough to know what I'm trying to get at with my mediocre at best programming skills?
I personally wouldn’t bother trying to set up a second charge schedule, not even sure it’s possible. I’d just start a Charge when I got home from the trip to school. Not sure of your options with the “Plus”, if there is a simple button to push to start an immediate charge? If there isn’t a button on your display to start a charge, you can do it from the plug. Plug-in, pause about a second, then remove the plug and replug right away and the charger starts immediately without messing with the programmed schedule.
You could totally do away with the schedules and use a smart plug to start and stop the timer with your phone (and Alexa or Google Home).
On the 11.6'' screen model there is a '' Charge now '' button on the screen for a couple of seconds when i turn off my car. No idea if it's the same for the 7'' screen , so if it's not the case for the OP situation i would schedule a Departure 8:30am then when returning home you can use the schedule button located just above the left knee of the driver .. the charge menu appear on the 4'' screen .. the '' Charge now '' is the first item in the list.
@Oniki Mainly to take advantage of "off peak" charging times overnight. Overall though looks like the system is start enough to glean what I want from it, so brava Toyota!
Is there a way to program into the car for higher rates from 3 PM till 8 PM like the rates here in Arizona. I did figure out how to get it to start charging at 8 PM but I can’t get it to stop charging at 3 PM is there a way to do this?
I've found the easiest non-Tesla way to control charging is to buy a smart plug that you can turn on and off via your phone (or even Alexa or Google Home). They are only like $20.