I need to figure out how to cancel the TOYOTA extra care vehicle service agreement scam. I walked in with my pre approved Chase Auto Loan, and they stated that I will be rejected(which i already got the email stating i was approved) because I can't prove that i will be in the states for the next 5 years LOL. So they gave me one option which is to go with the Toyota loan stating that i will not be able to get it unless i sign up with the service stupid TOYOTA extra care vehicle service agreement and they told me that i will be able to cancel the agreement within 30 days but i have wait 3 weeks for their system to process my application for the service agreement before i can cancel. Upon reading the cancellation policy which reads "within thirty(30) days of the date this agreement was mailed to you. If no benifits have been paied. You may cancel this agreement abd receive the agreement purchase price(including any applicable sales tax in Maine or any other states as required by law) minus a $50 processing fee" No where mention that i have to wait for it to process before i can cancel. any one done this before? tips?
Politely call the Toyota services and see what you can negotiate. Document your calls and then lawyer. Bob Wilson
Have you tried contacting the Toyota Customer Service number listed on the agreement? they are supposed to answer any questions regarding cancellation. Perhaps is is better to have your lawyer do this though. Although parts of the printed agreement are crossed out I thought you would need to initial near each one acknowledging you agreed to the changes.
I had the extended service contract shoved down my throat for a17, the offer was a much better loan percentage, the next day I contacted toyota and called toyota every day for two weeks, until I was told it was cancelled, I never contacted the dealer again. The service contract was cancelled.
You were hustled and scammed big time. First off, when you walk in with financing already approved from someone other than Toyota or their agents, it's the same as a cash purchase with them and additionally you qualify for any rebates or discounts you would not get using their financing. For example...$5,000 off MSRP OR 0% Financing...we've all heard that one before. Secondly, no new Toyota purchase EVER requires a Service Contract as a condition of the sale...even in the SE Region which is the worst! It's Saturday, but you need to get this thing moving now on canceling that contract. "In addition" to going through Toyota Financial, start barking at the Dealership Boss and get a hold of the Regional Office. If I am correct, your bio would indicate Columbus Ohio Valley Region https://cars.usnews.com/cars-trucks/determining-your-region-for-toyota-deals and probable location HERE WeGo. Do your research to get a hold of Regional (whoever it is) and even demand a contact from the Dealership and get on the horn to everyone.
Call Toyota financial every day, until you get the desired outcome. Don't hesitate to ask that I want to talk to your supervisor.
When I purchased my Prime, they tried to pressure me into extra care. I kept refusing and they kept pushing. I finally told them I will walk away unless they process the deal without the extra care. I complained to the dealer and to Toyota by way of their survey. Neither seemed to care. Next time if ever I will cut them off immediately and tell them no matter what they say I am not interested in any of the "extras".
Next time you should promptly leave & go to another dealer.No pushing needed. If you wish, you can leave your contact information so they can come crawling back to you if they change their mind. I would then negotiate for an additional discount due to the hassle factor though.
It was a very good deal. As soon as I raised my voice and threatened to leave, they backed down and did the paperwork. I was not prepared for the high pressure sales pitch. I am now so it will be a lot quicker next time when we upgrade my wife's car. A different dealer not a Toyota for her.
Is this the extended warranty? I got it for 10/100k for $15xx I think the starting price they want was $3000 and I might not ever use it but for $1500 for extra 7 years I really dont mind it
UPDATE: Thank you everyone for the amazing tips. It really makes me feel like home at the forum. I so far scheduled appointment with a lawyer on Monday to draft a cancellation request. I also contacted Toyota extended warranty customer service and will try to reach out to their regional office on monday, customer service told me that there's no such thing as 3 weeks waiting period for cancellation and i can cancel anytime not sure how true that statement is. customer service person was trying so hard to prevent me from canceling the policy and telling so many customers he talked to actually benefited from the warranty such as getting AC components repaired for free under the warranty. Which makes me wonder if people actually benefit from this warranty base on the one that i have which is the very basic one 1200 for 7 years there are so many exceptions which consist of almost all of the expansive repairs and most of the services the warranty offer are already covered under the car insurance policy. I am curious if any of you actually benefited from this warranty and please let me know how the experience was. Thanks once again for all the amazing advice
Keep calling toyota financial, keep asking for the refund, you really shouldn't need a lawyer, it's your money though, hopefully the lawyer will be inexpensive, let toyota apply the money toward paying off the loan, ignore the representitive trying to talk you out of canceling, don't be nice, they aren't being nice, it's buisness.
I'm not knocking Toyota's Extended Warranties...that's a personal decision and an argument well vetted here on PC. What they did that was so wrong was telling you that "your" pre-approved Financing would be rejected (by who anyway?) and that Toyota Care was a condition of the sale using "their" financing...which it is not.