Just purchased 2018 Prius 3 so many icons blinking especially the car with traffic cone. No idea what that one does XD
Welcome to the chat! You will find lot's of great insight on the 4th gen section. I have a 3rd generation 2013 model so not fully up to speed on your vehicle. Hope you enjoy!
Which country are you in? (Google maps didn't come up with a 43201). I'd ask the salesperson - they should have given you instruction on the various (many) basic aspects of the vehicle. Also, as @krmcg suggests, the 800+/- page manual is invaluable - both as bedtime reading - and for important information on your car.
Yea, i am in Columbus thanks everyone for the help. Now I need to figure out how to cancel the TOYOTA extra care vehicle service agreement scam. I walked in with my pre approved Chase Auto Loan, and they stated that I will be rejected(which i already got the email stating i was approved) because I can't prove that i will be in the states for the next 5 years. So they gave me one option which is to go with the Toyota loan stating that i will not be able to get it unless i sign up with the service stupid TOYOTA extra care vehicle service agreement and they told me that i will be able to cancel the agreement within 30 days but i have wait 3 weeks for their system to process my application for the service agreement before i can cancel. Upon reading the cancellation policy which reads "within thirty(30) days of the date this agreement was mailed to you. If no benifits have been paied. You may cancel this agreement abd receive the agreement purchase price(including any applicable sales tax in Maine or any other states as required by law) minus a $50 processing fee" No where mention that i have to wait for it to process before i can cancel. any one done this before? tips?
If that person just told you verbally that you have to wait three weeks to cancel but it's not in the paperwork anywhere then I would ignore it and cancel now.
I don't see anything on there about having to wait three weeks to cancel. It does look though like when you cancel the refund might go towards your loan principal instead of being paid to you directly, at least that's how I read it. Which isn't a bad thing it just means that you will want to monitor your loan statements to make sure that the refund has been applied.
Can I suggest you change your location from "Location - 43201" as it will always be a point of question. I had to GOOGLE "Columbus" to find out which country it was in (USA, not Spain it seems).
Then you need to decide if it's Columbus, Georgia; Columbus, Ohio; Columbus, Indiana; Columbus, Mississippi; Columbus, Nebraska; Columbus,Illinois; Columbus, Montana; Columbus, Kansas; Columbus, Kentucky; Columbus, North Carolina; Columbus, Arkansa; Columbus, New Jersey; Columbus, New Mexico; Columbus, New York; Columbus, North Dakota; Columbus, Texas; Columbus, Wisconsin. Did I miss any? Anyway, Congrats on the new car. I also recommend some quality time with the manual. Even with my much simpler Prius, I did lots of reading. Also, check the stickies on the Gen 4 forum. It's a gold mine of information.
If you can get a hold of The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour TV special, you can see Vivian Stanshall performing a rowdy version of his song Death Cab for Cutie in a strip club with John and George in the audience cheering on the proceedings.
Read the manuals? How do you think we learned? Very few of us had knowledgeable salesman instruct us. Manuals are online here. 2018 Toyota Prius Owners Manual and Warranty - Toyota Owners