So just under a 1k on the odometer and yesterday the second screen on the MID screen (the one that shows all the info simply stops working (it’s completely black). I’ve also noticed the right side screen that shows the speed is not showing the normal Prius Prime text when turning the car on. Wondering if anyone has experienced this issue and/or knows what the fix is. I’ve poured through the manuals and can’t find anything addressing something like this. Frustrated that it seems a trip to the local dealer may be needed and worries they won’t have a fix (not many around here have Primes on their lots in the south Chicago suburbs). Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
You can turn off the multi-information display (on the right), but when you press the ⨀ button on the steering wheel, the settings screen should return, so you can turn it back on. If this doesn’t happen, and the main display (on the left) works, I’d suspect a defective part in the combination meter assembly, which is Toyota’s name for the pair of small displays and constellation of indicator lights under the glareshield. The Repair Manual, available by subscription to, suggests checking the meter circuit plate, no. 2 meter circuit plate, and TFT display. (Parts catalog reference: Figure 83-01, Meter.) The navigation receiver assembly (Entune head unit with touchscreen) discussed in the other thread is a separate component and unlikely to be involved in this problem.
Happened to me, the dealer found a port installed alarm with loose wiring, it was touch and go, the dealer said I would have to pay for the fix and I agreed, the car was undrivable, no defrost, fogged windshield, as the tech worked the improperly secured alarm was found, then the dealer haggled that I had installed the alarm, as the tech was finishing up, the dealer discovered from Toyota that the alarm was a port installed item, I was off the hook for money, had 1200 miles, drove in sad, drove out happy.
Well, here's my latest update on this issue: I dropped my car off at the local Toyota dealer on Monday, February 19th. Again, the right side of the MID was completely black/not working at all. End of day two (21st), the technician pulled codes and over two days installed all the updated software patches that were out on the car. No change though in my MID working properly. Day 3 (22nd) they did a "download" of some sort (Toyota service advisor wasn't sure what exactly the download was/consisted of but if it didn't work she informed me they'd need to run a second download which would wipe my personal data from the car) End of day 3, BOTH downloads installed - no fix...the word was they were waiting for a Toyota "travelling" technician to come into the dealership to troubleshoot the issue. I stopped into the dealership frustrated and to pick up a "free" loaner (16 Corolla - which gets 31mpg - not happy) and to ask when this travelling technician was to be expected. I was told "early next week". Aggravated, but resigned to my fate, I drove home. My Prius Prime Advanced, meanwhile sat, dash and front door wells completely pulled apart and the plastic sitting covers sitting in the back seat. Day 4 (23rd) I get a call from the dealership that the "travelling technician" asked them to simply order a replacement part for my car. It's essentially the whole dash display. They tell me it will be in the following Wednesday the 28th. While I'm not happy waiting, I try to remain positive that soon my new car will be back home with me driving on electric rather than the gas eating Corolla. I patiently wait on Wednesday the 28th to call...busy with work I call around 230 in the afternoon. My advisor tells me, "unfortunately, the part hasn't come in". (I am now really pissed)..."BUT" she goes on to say..."there's more; apparently that part is now on NATIONAL BACKORDER!?" I then ask what the expected time frame is for the part to come in and I'm told anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks! For anyone wondering the Toyota part number is: 8386247P41RB I have called Toyota Customer Service/Customer Care and was supposed to hear back from someone in Parts yesterday - and a day later still no call? I'm super frustrated. The extra kick in the pants was I got to make my first car payment this week - all the while my car sits in a lot at the dealership and I'm tooling around in a beat up Corolla that gets 30mpg. I'm sure no one cares, but I'm really upset. I own 3 Toyota's presently and have been brand loyal for 15 years having owned 2 Tundra's, a Highlander, a Prius, a Sequoia and Avalon Hybrid. What's most amusing is that I also have had a $1k deposit down for some time on a Tesla3 - what's kind of ironic is that I decided to pull the trigger on the Prime due to the expected wait on the Tesla as well as Toyota's "reliability" - Thanks for listening to my rant. Anyone with any suggestions or similar issues. I find it hard to believe the part is on national backorder and yet, I can't find but one instance of anything similar on this site or others dealing with Prius/Prius Prime related to phone cord charging causing issues with the MID.
my prime got hit on the passenger rear quarter panel. most of the parts came in very quickly, however apparently they did not have a single rear quarter panel available in the use. I was told they had to take on off the production line and ship it to the dealer. Took about 2 months. of course, I get a loaner from the insurance company and THAT day, while driving the loner a freaking dear jumps out in front of me. I managed to just tag it in it's nice person (basically it exploded on the front left of the car). But hey, at least all it was is another deductible and not any damage to my car.
My display panel goes on and off while I am driving. The car continues on and this condition doesn’t seem to affect performance. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening and what I can do to fix it?
By "display panel" you mean MID (Multi Information Display) right to the main display shown dark and off in the photo on OP's original comment #1? I just read this thread and unfortunately the OP of this thread did not give us update for the final resolution on his original problem. My suggestion is to take to a dealer. I hope you are still under warranty. Also read the comment #2 by @Elektroingenieur. He is an expert in Prius Repair procedure.
Yikes! Yep, getting a hybrid serviced in an area where not too many are sold or repaired by a dealer, is hard. And some things on them hybrids are near impossible for some dealers to get fixed correctly. What year and trim level is it? Did Toyota US at least give you a case # yet? geez! edit: here's a general link for a 2019 83862-47P41 - Genuine Toyota PLATE, COMBINATION M give them a call with your VIN and see what they say.
Just FYI, you are responding to the OP of this thread which is 19 month old and the OP who was last seen 1y 25w ago. The thread was resurrected by @Backley .
Why doesn't someone tell me these things before I post to OLD threads It wasn't easy finding that part number online, either. And I thought I was the only one with car repair issues .... LOL Hope the OP got his/her model 3 by now, I'm jealous either way.
My 2014 Prius’s Multi information display stopped working. I took to the dealer they ran tests on it and said I needed a new one. They quoted me a price of approximately $5000. subsequently East was parked with the car on for approximately 45 minutes and the MID came back on and this lasted 2 days and went out again. I googled the problem and a RAV4 problem that had the same problem came up and it said it maybe the 12volt battery that might be going bad. I replaced the 12 volt battery myself and this took care of the problem for less than $300.00 also the dealer charged me before that for a program update that did not work for around $200.00