The past two mornings (2/27 and 2/28), My P.Prime has started and completed its morning charge, early by about an hour. Have any of you seen that too? I was wondering if it started correcting for Daylight-Savings Time early or something... Looking at the charging calendar on the 11.6, the charging times don’t seem to have changed, and the little red-orange line showing the current time seems to be correct. This wouldn’t be a huge concern except that I have that charge’s starting time calibrated to carefully to give it no more than ~23 miles of charge — enough to get me to work (with a mile or two of margin), where I have quasi-free charging available. Typed by Mr88cet’s dancing thumbs
I've noticed both this and the opposite - I set the charge schedule to be done at 7:30 and when I went out at 7:40 it said there were still 10 minutes left to full charge. I put it down to differences in temperature affecting the speed of charging, how much the climate setting took out of the battery, or something like that.
Thanks for the thoughts. So, I have seen 10ish-minute differences in charge-completion times, but I can’t recall seeing it finish an hour or more early, let alone doing so two days in a row. Has anybody seen that sort of thing before, especially if recently? Typed by Mr88cet’s dancing thumbs
Actually today ours did the same - my wife had set it to complete charging at 9:15 (with climate prep on), when I looked at the status at 7:30 it said charging was already finished.
Interesting: Almost 2 hours ahead of schedule... Curious! I went ahead and moved my event 50 minutes later; hopefully that will get me back to 23ish miles charged when I actually leave. Typed by Mr88cet’s dancing thumbs
Any updates on this issue? Happens to me too - over an hour early. - I just started using charge schedule (and my clocks are correct, FYI).
I rarely use scheduled charging as I don't regularly travel anywhere. However, I have noticed that it completes early some times, even an hour or more. I don't think this is a fault. I think it has to do with how varying temperatures impact how fast a battery can charge. It guesses on when it needs to start to complete the charge on time, and sometimes it guesses wrong. I think more people would be up in arms if the charging did not complete on time so Toyota is conservative, meaning the guess is designed to err on the side of finishing early vs late. If you don't like how Toyota guesses, them you can guess yourself by scheduling a starting time instead of a departure time. In this way, it will be your fault if you don't charge enough and have to run the engine or charge too much and "waste" those work KWs by not being able to do a full charge at work.