Does anyone know if there is a 'do-it-yourself' way to change the setting that auto closes the moonroof shades when the car is locked? I think the dealer can probably change this, but I am not sure I want it permanently changed. In the winter/spring/fall it is nice to have the sunlight and not have to open it each time, but the feature to auto close will be nice for the hot summer months. Looking for a 'do-it-yourself' way to change this setting so that I can change it back and forth depending on the season.
Doesn't it auto-open when you unlock the car or it only closes? Hmm... I can't remember if the Display Audio units (the one you have) has the customisable settings or whether it's limited to the Touring + Tech package with the Premium HDD nav. Is there nothing in the "CAR" menu that hints at those type of settings?
Here is a link to the correct section of the user manual: The 3rd to last item is the moonroof power shade option and the - - O to the right means that only the dealer can change this setting. I am going to ask my dealer to change this option when I go in for my 5000 mile service visit. I don't want my car automatically closing my moonroof view. Remind me again why that is a feature.
Thanks. I was hoping for an undocumented way to do this yourself. I know some of the other items in the user manual that say only dealer can change, can be done yourself (ie. having smartkey system unlock all doors). I do think this is a good feature in summer to keep the car cool, so I don't really want to have to go to the dealer every time I want it changed. Oh well, I guess I will need to decide which way I want it and have dealer change.
Any updates for this for a 2015 v 5 with ATP? I wish it would stay open all the time. Any way to make this happen?
If you don't want the moonroof to close when you leave you just need to lock your doors from INSIDE the car using the door lock on the driver/passenger side door. The moonroof will automatically close if you use your FOB to lock the doors.