last week during our south Texas cold snap, temps dropped into the teens,. when I left for work I heard a creaking noise coming from the left front end on right turns. I took my C (2015 C) to dealership, they could not reproduce it (didn't think they would). My driver window sometimes makes a shimmying/stuttering sound when going up usually when wet/damp. they could not reproduce that either. it didn't happen today. **sigh** well at least they now have record of it for future.
Interesting...I also notice my 'c' (2016 model) makes a popping/creaking noise when turning right...noticed it when turning right into my driveway. I thought at first it was something in the street that my tires were grinding on, but it kept on doing it every time I pulled into my driveway. It doesn't seem noiticeable during regular in-town driving or on the hwy...only at slow speeds when pulling into a spot or making a tight right turn.