On the way home tonight, my XM (dealer installed) started sounding like there was a reception problem. I was in an area where I've previously had no problems. Then the sound just stopped. Changed channels, no sound. The FM, AM and cd player are all working fine. But the XM is showing me titles and artists, just no sound coming out of the speakers. Anybody had this happen before? Is there anything I can do to fix it short of taking it back to the dealer who installed it? I'd appreciate any suggestions.
Weird, you checked other XM channels to make sure it wasn't a problem at XM's end? If the problem persists then take it back, never heard that one before.
I checked all my programmed channels, and then went thru some of the others. Same on all of them. It tells me what I should be hearing, but nothing comes out of the speakers. But everything else works fine.
Something similar happened with my Sirius unit. No sound from my stereo. AM, FM, CD's, Sirius no workie. I had to replace my Sirius unit and everything was okey dokey after that.
Sorry....I should have updated this sooner. The day after this happened I turned it on to see if the XM would come in on my way back to work. It was fine. I have no explaination for the 45 minute gap I had on the drive home that night. Unless it was the fact that I was listening to the Canadian news channel as I was driving past the National Guard Air Base when the XM went off....maybe Big Brother thought I was being anti-american It's been working perfectly since that night.