We have a 2005 with 140,000 miles. While driving home last week, my wife got off the highway and lost power - got the red triangle of death, yellow check engine, yellow VSC, and red turtle. Oddly, she could not turn off the car. Did the 12v battery check through maintenance mode and found 9.6v. So, got towed home and replaced battery. Error messages went away and all seems fine... BUT, why would bad 12v battery cause car to die while driving?? Wife had been driving for ~20 minutes. I didn’t find any corrosion on terminals or sign of water in the battery well either. When I took the battery back for the core exchange, I asked them to test the battery. It was completely drained, but after charging for 1 hour it passed test at 98%. Is there something else going on, or is this simply a dead battery? Battery was 4 yr and 8 mo old, and I understand they typically last 5-8 years. If the problem is just the battery, could this have caused any other damage? I borrowed a scanner and found P1116 Fuel Air Metering error message. Cleared it, and it hasn't come back. I'm not sure if that's related, or an old code. I've read other post that P1116 is related to coolant control valve. The hybrid battery was replaced about 6 weeks ago with a refurbished one. At the time, we checked battery and was ok (something like 11.6v, and charged up after a short drive).
Welcome to PriusChat!! Did you scan for codes after replacing the 12v battery? (disconnecting the 12v will clear all previous DTCs) Not all scanners are compatible with hybrids, which scanner did you use?
That is not ok, it is totally flat and requires fully charging with an external battery charger. A short drive will not charge up a completely flat battery – you'd need to leave the car on for 10 or more hours in order to fully charge that way. Leaving a Pb/Acid battery in a discharged state for any length of time damages it. Make sure your 12 V battery is as near to fully charged all the time to get the best longevity. This is usually a sign of the combination meter (CM) going out. Does the dash look ok? I don't believe the battery going flat is the problem, but rather a symptom of the problem. It says to me that the DC/DC converter may not be working to keep 12 V on the bus or keep the 12 V battery charged. Yes, there is something else going on here and you need to get to the bottom of it.
I used an Actron Super Auto scanner. OBD-II. The first time I checked the codes was after replacing the battery. The only code found was P1116.
I’m not sure what you mean by “does the dash look ok”. Here’s a picture from the day it happened. I didn’t notice anything other than the error lights.
Yes BUT you don't need to obsess over it. It is possibly something simple that caused the initial failure.......like "loose" cables on the battery posts. Or even an intermittent connection INSIDE the old battery. Get the charging voltage checked, make sure that the OTHER ends of the main cables are clean and tight and then don't fret.
The one thing that counts is a good traction battery, a new traction batery, not a traction battery with 11 year old parts, it's a throw away item, throw it away, get a new one.
Check your 12V battery with the car in the ready position, it should be charging at 13.5 to 14V. Low voltage to the cars computers make it do stupid stuff.
If the battery is bad, the error code would be present again. Also the rear cooling fan by the back passenger seat should be running as well.
Great, thanks. It’s at 13.9v while in ready mode, so it’s looking more and more like the inverter is ok and 12v was problem.
I suspect that DTC reader might not be fully compatible, you might try a free scan from the local parts shop (try them all, though no guarantee of different results). Some local mechanics even offer a free 'scan' to get you in the door. Have you already checked the coolant level in the radiator? (not the overflow tank)
No stored fault codes usually means that there isn't a problem. What makes you think that there IS......or might be ?? The process of "checking" the HV battery manually is a rather lengthy process and isn't recommended for a novice. But if you MUST.......it is described in posts on here, probably in more than one thread.