We have a growing Monster problem out here on the street, called "Distracted Driving"! It's bad enough that we're fiddling with the radio, munching on food, yelling at political pundits on the radio, and looking for an address or the button for our seat warmer! The final straw in my view, is the outrageous use of texting while driving! I see this abomination many times daily, during my survival contests on Socal streets!! But wait, I have a SOLUTION.!! Pass a law that stipulates that insurance companies may change their policies to DENY COVERAGE to jerks shown to have been texting during an accident. You say, Ah mon ami, but the rich clever yacker will simply toss his phone away! I reply, but non mon ami, you can subpoena his phone records (part of my new law!) to demonstrate his culpability! At the scene of the accident, the police would collect all cell phones, and cell phone numbers from each driver. The gendarme would perform a cursory inspection of each phone, noting times used etc. Phones would be returned to the owners, at the scene. Yes, the problem is THAT bad!! We need to treat illegal texters like drunks; they are as bad, if not worse, since a drunk might at least try to avoid a collision! Don't get me started on drunk texters!! At the same time, the police or State could file charges of criminal negligence against these SOBs. I think the threat of no insurance protection for texting will slow down this problem, especially after a few tragic cases show the peasants how devastating a loss texting can be. We've got to stop these irresponsible, selfish, jerks before they kill more of us, and hurt our Primes! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com
agree 100% my friend. and not just texting, i think phone use in the car should be banned, even hands free.
I see 'em all the time. Constantly speeding up and slowing down, swerving all over the road and shoulder. Hit the horn and they give you the evil eye. It's not just texting. They're watching movies or playing games. I saw one guy listening to music so hard I thought he'd give himself whiplash the way he was dancing- bouncing around in his seat. Or how about the morning paper reader - At 5 am a car passes me going about 80 in a 65. His dome light was on with the tribune over his steering wheel. Yep reading a newspaper while going about 20 over the limit. in the dark, not able to see out the windshield. You really have to work to keep away from them in heavy traffic. PS, for those not in the Chicago area, the tribune is a large format newspaper.
Several close calls, including SUV smoker, texter, running a red light next to me in Placentia, on Yorba Linda Blvd!! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com
a lady got out of her car in a parking lot the other day. she's texting while leaving the car and crosses the lane without ever looking up, just as i'm approaching her. it's a serious illness. i see my wife start to do it, and i have to keep asking her to stop walking until she's finished. she doesn't even realize, like pavlov's dog, the phone dings and they have to immediately grab it, no matter the circumstance.
The dotards in the Texas legislature finally passed a don't text and drive law 9/2018, but it hasn't caught on with the natives. Chicago drivers are courteous compared to Texas drivers. They really need a shut up and drive law here. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Text'ers are the reason I added a rear facing dash cam in the back. I'll have their picture in HDTV format doing the deed.
Lawyers are going to solve this problem for us and since most insurance policies have exclusions for claims incurred as a result of illegal activity, this will all be a self-solving problem fairly quickly. Most cars are connected these days. That means that junk that happens INSIDE cars....like airbag deployments, are logged with a time stamp. All phones are connected as well. That's sorta the whole point. As soon as slip and fall lawyers figure out how to tie these two things together, they'll win the Luck-O-Buck-O Lotto. That's the first hurtle, and it will accelerate the second hurtle. You see.....back when I was a kid, DUI was more of a civil thing, than a criminal thing. Yeah.....they wrote you a ticket and all, and sometimes you had to pay more money if you dinged somebody's kid, but it was largely seen as 'damages' thing more than somebody utterly disregarding the safety of their fellow motorists. Then??? Some Moms got MADD and over the course of several decades, DUIs are not seen as the misdemeanor that they used to be, and you have a MUCH better chance of getting a concealed carry license in Los Angeles than you do of getting a DUI fixed. My company will hire NOBODY with a DUI beef. All of the tech is in place. We just need more blood in the streets before people start to realize that "distracted driving" isn't as bad as drunk driving..... ....it's worse. Drunks have the excuse of impaired higher brain function. People poking away on their phones just don't give a rats. Until then? Be careful!
Entièrement d'accord avec vous, mon ami! In Québec, now, no texting and no call on phone in a car...and te fine is ouch! Agree.
Well, it has been getting ever smaller over the years. Not too long ago, opened up, both L and R pages of the Tribune would have covered the entire windshield. Still, reading anything except road signs while driving is a horrendous practice.
In high school, I had this huge crush on this girl who would eat, drink a beer, smoke, and talk on her cellphone all at the same time (this was before texting). She used her knees more than her hands to drive. I remember riding around in her Saab like this. Now, I just hope she didn't kill herself or someone else. What was I thinking?!
I think I remember TV commercials from the 1970s showing all the time a man could save by using a new fanged battery powered razor for a shave during his commute. Still see ladies applying makeup while driving.
i'm hoping the police will come up with tech that will tell them when people are texting, or maybe at traffic lights.
Another reason why pigeons are better than texting. Just write the note, attach to its little leg, and off it goes. Can be a little distracting I guess and the dropping all over the car makes it almost not worth it. But I am not texting.
I don't usually have the ringer turned in. Whoever it is will have to wait until I park the car to get a response. Anyone who knows me will text, not call. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
When someone in my family has to get a quick message to me in the car they use "Punchthru". I hear their message and can reply verbaly after the beep. JeffD Disclaimer, I work with the author of the Punchthru app.