I have a 2013 prius c,have only travelled 900 k,s since delivery,have noticed a vibration on acceleration and also when travelling at a consistant speed,this occurs with the ICE operatiing or not,so I don,t think it is the ICE,It feels like the vibration that occurs on conventional rear drive vehicles when the universal joints nead to be replaced,any sugestions.I am returning to the dealer tomorrow and would like to hear from any prius c owner who has experienced a similar problem,ammunition you might say,waiting for comments,Tug.
I have about 12k+ miles and I notice a vibration that occurs when the car is traveling at about 49 mph and the green curve on the score screen is slightly above the break line (about in the middle of the curve). It feels almost like a vibration as noted when driving a manual car in too high a gear for the speed. What did the dealer say?
+1 -- You describe this perfectly. I had been meaning to post about it. I noticed it the first time a few weeks ago. This is my first winter with the car so I'm wondering: Have you noticed it in all weather conditions or more so when cold?
I have only had the car for a little over a month so it seems to be more prevalent since it has gotten colder. Sunday is supposed to be in the mid 60's so I'll see if it is any less noticeable.
Hey, I've noticed this also. Not when accelerating but when maintaining a constant speed. Depends on where my foot is on the throttle. And "when driving a manual car in too high a gear for the speed" is describing it exactly (or "lugging" it I guess). I only notice it I'd say in the 35-50 MPH range. Hard to notice but I notice it nonetheless...
Ok now that we went from 20s to the 60s and back, I can say that it is temperature dependent as it is quite a bit more noticeable as it gets colder.
The dealer has repeatedly told me that they "can't duplicate what I am describing". Even when I take a technician along, they seemingly can't feel it even though others can.
Yup and any dealer that I take it to can't feel it. The best way to describe it is as if a u-joint is going bad in a rear wheel drive vehicle and at a certain speed you begin to feel a vibration. Not as noticeable in warmer weather than when it gets colder out. But yes, never has been resolved.
There is a "shimmy" type "vibration" around 42-47 mph. It's where the engine is starting to take over and the hybrid is ending control. It's kind of a "fight" for control situation that makes a weird situation.
ztanos, that sounds like a good explanation of what is likely causing it. I have noticed the vibration too; barely perceptible, seems to be affected by outside temperature. As Rob said (years ago, now) it appears to be right around the area where the "green curve" on the Eco Score screen is right at or barely above the midpoint "break," and only when running at constant speed with the "curve" at this level. That would fit with ztanos' interpretation of it as the ICE and hybrid not quite sure which is going to be in control.
Sounds like an intermittent issue in the electronics governing the HSD's ICE/MG1/MG2 power-splitting epicyclic/planetary gearset/differential.
87,000 plus miles now. Nothing has changed, same issue and over the years, they tech's claim that they can't feel anything, even when I take them for the ride to point it out.