Last night outside of a restaurant there was a white and a silver Prius, and of course our blue one. I was entertaining the baby in his carseat while the spouse was picking up the food, when out walks an older gentleman with two ladies to the enormous boat-like vehicle parked next to us. One of the ladies points out the three Prii in the lot and the guy says, in a tone of utter disgust, "those things are everywhere." He then sees me and pulls a face, presumably to indicate to me that I am smug.
Well, he's 2 steps closer to the grave anyway, so what does he care what's left for the rest of us? CONSUME! My next-door neighbor has the same color '06 as me. I have yet to back into his while I'm leaving for work though I see probably 6-10 / day. Boston area is littered with them, I guess. I was actually a little surprised on a recent roadtrip to NJ how few Prii were on the roads outside of MA. When I got to my destination (a friend's wedding) the only other Prius there belonged to another person who drove down from MA.
Picked mine up on Sat. Went to MS to get it, as that's where I got the best deal and my parents still live there. It was a nice trip; however, I only saw one other Prius (blue) on the trip back (I-55 to Hamond, LA/I-12 to Baton Rouge/I-10 to San Antonio). But since I started paying attention (meaning I knew what I wanted) about 6 months ago, I usually see 3/day (all 3 white) on my commute (18 miles one way from north SA to SW SA). I did see a driftwood pearl one a couple of weeks ago and saw both an Insight and a classic Prius (white) that same day.
In the Memphis area I see more than when I bought my 2004 Prius, sometimes 4 in a day. What surprised me was spending this last weekend in Pine Mountain, GA for a family reunion event. In this samll town I parked next to a Prius at the IGA store and a couple of hours later saw a second one leaving the same store.
I see 2 or 3 every day on my way to work or back. Not always the same one either. Most are Gen-2. I wonder if thats because the Gen-1 blend in better with the more "regular" looking cars on the road.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(barbaram @ Jul 3 2006, 05:38 PM) [snapback]280708[/snapback]</div> When you have a nest of 'em, do they breed? And produce, like, I do not know, Insights? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rhodyfanatic @ Jul 3 2006, 06:40 PM) [snapback]280745[/snapback]</div> The Prius. It's not just a car: It's an obsession! :lol: <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Jul 22 2006, 08:17 PM) [snapback]290765[/snapback]</div> YOU LIE Alnilam --You couldn't have seen Robin--he was up here in the Bay Area visiting home!
Someone else at my workplace has a Prius! Hurrah. Nice black number, unlike my lame silver. This represents real progress for this backwards town - especially as I'm at a government office currently, which still thinks it's 1981.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(john1701a @ Nov 19 2004, 12:18 AM) [snapback]51470[/snapback]</div> I see 3-4 per day on weekdays and a few more on the weekends. On the weekends I see a few blue Prius', There is an older red (maroon) Prius in my community. I will have to introduce myself once i get mine on Thursday. There is a beige Prius whose owner works near my office, but haven't met the owner yet.
didn't see any at all on the road today but sitting at home having supper and looked out the front and the reflection in the house across the street told the whole story. Yup Yellow Cab #105 was dropping off the neighbour and his wife. Edit: there are approximatly 40 Prius it the local Yellow Cab fleet.
It feels like I see between 6 and a dozen every single day... in the parking lot for work, there are at least a half dozen... It's a popular car, what can I say. heh.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rufaro @ Jul 24 2006, 08:12 PM) [snapback]291784[/snapback]</div> Quick, call 911! Somebody stole his car! But, you know, this thread has got me looking. The guys next door to me have a 2005 Prius. They like my updates and I like their Nav override device that won't work on mine. Every time I drive to school, about 10 miles, I see two or three. Another instructor just bought one and my boss in the astronomy dept. has an original he bought new. Tonight I pulled off the freeway coming home and fell into close formation with a brand new blue one. Makes me feel I did something right for a change.......
LOL! I did not see any today driving from Trenton to New Brunswick and back except: I was driving past the DELPHI plant and one exited the plant pulled out in front of me!!!!
I've driven over 200 miles in the past 2 days- saw 2 on the road, saw 1 at the garage in Atlantic City Convention center Sunday- saw 2 the previous Sunday in the same place- saw 1 on at work today which belongs to another engineer- jersey is definitely behind the curve on this!
I usually see only 1 other one around here. Once, a couple of weeks ago, I did see 3 others the same day. Just too many pickups and SUVs around here.
The number varies greatly, from a handful to easily 25 or more. Most of the time, I'm either passing another Prius or I'm being passed by a Prius, but this morning, for a while, it was a little different. I became part of a Prius convoy - only three of us, but in the order in which we were passed by other vehicles, we were red, white, and blue. Kinda neat.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(john1701a @ Nov 19 2004, 12:18 AM) [snapback]51470[/snapback]</div> Was on vacation in St Augustine Florida and Orlando last week. Saw 2 Prius' in St Augustine and 3 in Orlando..
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ajs @ Aug 15 2006, 05:33 AM) [snapback]303443[/snapback]</div> I see a lot here in the bay area on my 46 mile, each way, commute to work everyday, of course. My favorite was one day in Milpitas when I went to Hardee's (or Carl's Jr., as they insist on calling it here on the left coast) and I parked AGPRIUS next to one MUCH MPG. I'm in Japan right now for work, and see a few here and there. I want to go over, knock on their window and say "hello, I'm a fellow Prius owner," but I don't think they'd understand!
I'm seeing more and more. I saw two within an hour in small (but charming) Abingdon, VA. 5 in one day between Abingdon and Kingsport, TN. Seems they are showing up more and more in rural areas and smaller cities and towns. Takes a while but we eventually catch up. We'll all be driving Prii about the time you city folks are in your EV Hovercraft. And what about that new band of longhairs from England....the Beatles or something like that?
It's sad here in NJ- sunday I drove from Trenton to Stirling- about 60 miles each way saw NONE! today I drove to Kearny and return (130 miles round trip).. saw 1!!!! {tho I have to say that both days it was dark on the return so some one could have sneaked past me...) WE in NJ are probably 2nd behing CA in pollution but eons behind in our awareness! HA!HA! could it be that everyone is just at the shore???????????
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(barbaram @ Aug 21 2006, 06:20 AM) [snapback]306615[/snapback]</div> That's a good bet! I see the same 2 parked every weekend in Ocean Grove. I commute 50 miles one way every day. Somedays I won't see any. Other days I'll see 5 or 6. This morning I was passed by a silver one and saw a white one heading the other way.