My accountant tells me he needs the gross vehicle weight for my '17 Prime. Can any Prime owner in NYS check their registration for the gross vehicle weight and let me know what it is? Thanks. Nexus 6P ?
I bought my Advanced in NY and the NYS DMV retail certificate of sale lists an unladen weight (3302). That's what I entered when TurboTax asked for the gross vehicle weight.
He didn't say why he needs it? Is he doing your taxes for you? If so then my guess is that it's related to the plug-in tax credit which is limited to a gross weight of 14,000 pounds. Form 8936 (the form that is filed for the credit) only asks for the vehicle year, make, model and VIN, it doesn't ask for the gross weight on the form, presumably because the IRS knows the gross weights of vehicles that quality for the credit. However I noticed that TurboTax for some reason asks for the gross weight, it accepts any number unless it's 14,000 or more in which case it tells you that you don't qualify for the credit. Maybe your accountant is using TurboTax to do your taxes? Unless he needs it for some type of specific paperwork for NYS, or this is a car used for business and it's something else not related to the plug-in credit. Not much to go on other than your accountant wants the number, but if my guess is right that it's just for the plug-in credit then whatever number you give him won't be going to the IRS it's just going into whatever worksheet or tax software he is using. You may want to ask him what he needs it for before sweating over coming up with the exact number.
Toyota’s New Car Features book, available by subscription to, says the “Gross Vehicle Weight” for both models of Prius Prime (2017–2018) sold in the U.S. is 4,080 pounds. The “Curb Weight” is 3,365 pounds for the ZVW52L-AHXEBA and 3,375 pounds for the ZVW52L-AHXGBA. I don’t know if these figures were measured or calculated according to the definitions used by New York or any other jurisdiction, however, and the ratings on the certification label take precedence, of course. In the U.S., the certification label (49 CFR § 567.4) states the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) for the car and the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) for each axle. The tire and loading information label (49 CFR § 571.110, S4.3) states the vehicle capacity weight and seating capacity. Neither of these labels gives the curb weight, which is defined in § 571.110 as “the weight of a motor vehicle with standard equipment including the maximum capacity of fuel, oil, and coolant, and, if so equipped, air conditioning and additional weight optional engine.” This excludes accessories, options, or payload.
Gross Vehicle Weight... its parts and everything inside it including cargo and passengers. Doesn't it change how many people are in the car and what you have loaded in the cargo? Or is it a fixed weight for a given car?
i thought it was curb weight plus maximum payload, should be in the manual. plus, when they add 6 pounds of accessories at the port, they put a sticker on the jamb.