Found this thanks to a post on TiVocommunity. Its thread title was "Take my wife, please!" It seems this sport originated in Finland. Weird... Wife carrying - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Here's an article w/a video: Video: Wife carrying championships in Finland won for fourth time by couple - Telegraph
"It also purportedly stems from an even earlier tribal practice of wife-stealing, in honour of which many contestants now take up the challenge with someone else's wife."
Years ago at the Buckwheat festival at Kingwood, Preston county, WV they had a contest called "Hog calling for women" hmm
Apparently, they actually hold this in North America. It was in Maine this year and the winners of Finns win Wife Carrying Championship | Sun Journal were the same ones as in the OP.
Thread resurrection... I've been finally making my way thru my recording of the Olympics Opening Ceremony and Finland came up. In the commentary, they mentioned wife carrying competition, amongst other weird sports. I did a quick Google search to see if it'd be discussed here before, only to find I started the thread almost 6 years ago! It's still going on, apparently. Found .