An article in the morning Seattle paper quotes Theresa Heinz Kerry as praising the Prius as a good car for soccer moms and great for the environment. She wonders why Americans have to buy a Prius and why American car companies aren't making cars like the Prius. She apparently speaks her mind openly and is a generous giver to environmental causes.
But, I thought she worships Nazis and eats little children's brains and burns flags with pictures of unborn babies on them??? I, too, am glad that there's no way that the majority will lose again this time around. Here's to voting to save our country! -m.
I'm guessing that you were referring to this article: Maybe a mod wants to move this to the Pancake house before someone complains and throws a fit? That said, time to pile on . . . Now that's just silly. Everyone knows that she eats burning flags topped with Heinz ketchup while worshipping pictures of little Nazi children's brains. Therefore, she's a Nazi, and a vote for Kerry is a vote for Hitler. Heil Bush.
Just in case you have not figured out my Avtar: [Broken External Image]:
OK, I just did a little web research on Mrs. Kerry. I like her, let's vote her in. John can be First Gentleman
10132003: so is your avatar some sort of subliminal message designed to sway die hard republicans to vote democrat?
Doesn't Mrs Heinz-Kerry own an SUV? I remember a discussion a while ago where Sen. Kerry claimed he did not own an SUV. But reporters found one on his driveway, which he then admitted belonged to his wife. It is good for her to say these things, but it would be better if she would also set a good example herself. She should drive a Prius. Esther
Wait, I thought the article said that she did drive a Prius? Guess I must've misread the article. That'd actually be a pretty snazzy campaign gimick: a caravan of Prii. Might not fly in the heartland states, since its not an "American car", but it'd be pretty cool everywhere else.
No, it says: "I sat in a new hybrid at the Detroit auto show. It's a nice, roomy car. It's a safe car, for the soccer mom." Esther
If you really believe that to be the case, you must be a die hard fan of Fox News, UnFair and Unbalanced.
yes i am a die hard fan... and i think after "The Sixth Sense" Bruce Willis has proven he does have acting ability
10132003, I think I see the word "Nixon" in your avatar. How does it get from that to being a Kerry button? Irony, I presume? Please don't tempt fate!
Thanks, but it took me four years to learn enough Spanish to begin to feel comfortable holding a casual conversation, and another two years before reading it became fun. Considering that the only place Hebrew is actually used is a war zone on the other side of the planet, studying it is a pretty low priority for me. Next time I have a decade free to learn a new language, I think maybe Kiswahili or Chinese would be my choice.