I must admit I forgot all about replacing our 12V battery in the 2007 Camry Hybrid. As I go out to check the tire pressure, again low, I thought of this. Doe an old 12V battery impact the fuel economy on this vehicle?
Thanks. I believe this battery may be original too. Living in the cold regions, I typically replaced 12V batteries every 4 years, five at the latest. For an average cost of $100 or slightly more, seemed to be cheap insurance. I know the snow tire pressure is down again, probably way down, can feel it. Temps went from 50's to below zero, have to do my Prius tires as well.
yeah, the 07 is probably due. let us know what you find for replacements and cost. hopefully easier and cheaper than pri.
12 V. batteries are starting to last longer then ever, my last car a Subaru was still strong after 7 years. Have it checked before replacing.
Darn winter. I know I need to sandblast these wheels and repaint as well. 30 psi on all four, now up to 35 psi. 35 is the most I can go with this setup.
Yes it can, just like the Prii. (Did they really make a Camry Hybrid in 2007 ??) If it is a sealed battery (AGM) that doesn't have removable caps to add water, then it is likely to last 5 to 7 years in normal service. You are about due. If it is the old wet cell type, you are way PAST due.......assuming it is the original OEM battery.
I'd research that more. Maybe they meant installed? That is VERY retail: even up here the kosher battery through parts department was $273 (Canadian). I thought that was robbery, since about a year back it was around $215. Apparently a lead shortage or something has been pushing battery prices up. Our nearby dealership did mutter something about $273 being "discounted" price, but seemed like a very oft applied discount, and the further afield dealership I also checked, said the same $273 right off the bat. FWIW, I went with Optima, it was exact same size, correct posts and vent port, for around $229 if I recall correctly. It has higher CCA, hopefully durable. Next time around I may just talk to Canadian Tire. Our son's Civic Hybrid was in need of new battery, emergency situation. He phoned ahead to CT, I picked it up, and was pleasantly surprised: apart from the MotoMaster (house brand) label, the battery was a physical dead ringer for the Honda battery, guess they're coming from the same manufacturer behind the scenes. And the price, for a traditional style battery? Around $150. The Prius battery is a bit more esoteric, but there are aftermarket conventional rectangular case options, Exide for one. Maybe check with your aftermarket outlets, Pep Boys for example.
Well it is installed The Camry hybrid battery is in the trunk, so it needs venting. I didn't do any further research.
I guess I can post to my own old thread. We gave the 2007 Camry Hybrid to a family member when we got our new one. Dealer said, battery is dead, scrap it. Dealer installed cost $3,900. Now I know if you look hard enough, you might be able to find something else that could cause the car to die like it does, can't hold a charge, 15-20 minutes and it stops. They did their diagnostics and that's what they said. Probably $500 or more to go fishing around. So the owner asked if these guys were any good. Hybrid Battery Replacement and Repair - Best Hybrid Batteries About $1,600 delivered, no idea on the install cost. I have no idea if it's Just the battery or not. But I do know the real value of the car is now $3,000 tops (running, not with a bad battery). It is a little over 165,000 miles. That scared us a little bit because we were considering getting a new Camry hybrid after the lease on our 2013 XLE hybrid runs out. At our age, we were wondering if a new Camry LE with it's great new mileage is the safer bet. I also wonder if my Forever plan for my 2013 Prius v is a sound plan.
Find a Prius mechanic. They'll test the individual cells inside the high voltage battery pack and replace any bad ones. Cost a few hundred bucks.