If the specific form is available for you to use in Turbotax right now, it's not affected. Otherwise it will still be in the "draft" unreleased mode. IRS Forms Availability Table for TurboTax - TurboTax Support There's a similar page on the IRS.gov site.
Thanks. It seems to be the same time line as Form 8936 release. I just read this page for more detail, Form 8911, Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit | Internal Revenue Service.
I just tried filing through TurboTax and it is waiting on Form 8936 to be updated before filing the return. I can wait.
I highly doubt anyone will get audited for submitted last years form instead of this years. Mine was accepted but still being processed. Might be because of the form
I am now also waiting for form 8911, in addition to 8936. The electrician was expensive to fer the 240v and extra 120v lines for EVSE 1 and EVSE 2. That, and the expensive 240v EVSE I plugged into it. Hopefully, it will allow me to file for the non hard-wired EVSE.
Well, all I can say is I filed our taxes 1/31/18 using olt.com without a problem using the form 8936 they provided online. I had originally planned to use Turbotax but when I got to that point they informed me I could not us the free version of Turbotax and would have to upgrade to the deluxe. At that point I said good-bye to Turbotax and onward to olt.com. Haven't received my refund yet, though and unfortunately could not use the total $4502.00 avaiilable due to the limited income we have.
The Plug-In credit (form 8936) never expired so it is not part of the Retroactive Extender Provision. The Plug-In credit will only expire (actually phase out) for a particular manufacturer whenever the 200,000 vehicle threshold is reached. If congress does nothing the plug-in credit could last many years for a particular manufacturer. The only risk is if the credit is repealed which almost happened for 2018. Meanwhile the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit (form 8911) technically did expire at the end of 2016 however it was part of the extender provision for 2017, however those are apparently all still being reviewed by the IRS. Which I think is just a technicality I don't know that they would reject the extension. But anyway might be good to wait for the IRS to complete the review of the 2017 extension of the fuel station credit before applying for the credit for 2017, just to avoid any flags. (As always consult with your tax adviser and don't listen to any of us)
Not unexpected given that 8936 for 2017 isn't available at IRS yet. I had been waiting on TT for another form as well. When it became available yesterday, I filed my CO taxes to get my $5000 credit in the works.
Me too. I'm going to be out of the country for the month of April so if they don't get in gear, I may have to file and amend later.
Methinks TurboTax might be the problem. It now reports that the form won’t be available until 3/8. But the IRS posted the final 2017 form for download 2/23: Forms and Publications (PDF)
Got sick of waiting and used Credit Karma and had my Federal forms excepted so far. Waiting on the refund now. Very irritating that the IRS can't get the right form done. Funny if I owed them money they would want it ASAP or pay a penalty and interest.
That was "just" yesterday (2/23) that the IRS posted them. It's good news though. TurboTax had to wait on the IRS so I'd give TT a week or so. If you already paid for TT, you might as well wait a bit longer. I still see nothing on a 2017 version of Form 8911 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit.
So the Official 8936 for 2017 is now available on-line from the IRS. I don't understand the instructions and I want to be able to guide my tax preparer if necessary. It says "enter "2500" for maximum credit-- where does the $4502 come from?
Here's how TurboTax filled out draft version of form 8936: 4502 on line 4; 0 on lines 5, 6, 11, 12, and 14; 2500 on line 10; 4502 on lines 15, 18, 19, and 23 Qualified Vehicles Acquired after 12 31 2009 | Internal Revenue Service