Hello all. 2008 Prius, 219K. Brake accumulator runs pretty consistantly, running about every 10 sec or so regardless of the braking conditions. Car stops fine. No warning lights. Took to Toyota before the end of the warranty on the part.. They wanted to charge $100 for diagnosis, I had done plenty of research and everything I had see that without any codes set they wont fix it. SO.. I declined the diagnosis. Well fast forward to last night and the BRAKE, and ABS, VSC lights came on... Car still driving the same. Checked the codes in Techstream, and have C1256 ACCumulator Low Pressure C1392 Abnormal Leak of ACC Pressure. But no Red Triangle. Any suggestions?? Take it back in ... see if they MIGHT fix it since there is a record of me going in before the Warranty deadline?? I can get a used accumulator for pretty cheap, and can do it myself if I need to. Please let me know what think I should do.. Thanks all. Much Appreciated.
How convincing a record do you have of your visit where you described the problem but declined the diagnosis? -Chap
Well little update here. Took it to the dealer.. they gave me Toyota corporate contact, spoke to them they said. The repair had to be diagnosed and the repair completed before the deadline. So it looks like I'm gonna fix it myself. I've done some shopping on Car Parts.. It ends up asking to choose one of these three options.. I assume different noart numbers that are compatible. 44500-47090 44500-47140 44510-47050 Any suggestions on which is the best to choose.. less likely to have the same defect.. etc. Thanks for all the help and suggestions. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The first part number is for 2004-2006 The second part number is for 2005-2009 The third number doesn't exist within the Toyota database any longer, but is referenced elsewhere online. Would go for part number 44500-47140. How much are they asking?
I've not tracked down one with that exact part number. Been working nights. But on Car-parts. They range from $99 to $300. At the highest. Need to find one with the 47140 number and get it sent.. so can get her back on the road. Thx for all the help.. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
44500-47141 is the newest version of this part. 44500-47140 is your next best bet. 44500-47090 and 44500-47050 are the older versions that I have seen fail as of late.
Thanks for the info. Do you know if the other part numbers will WORK?? I've been told YES.. and I've been told NO. I'm having trouble finding a 47140. Even found an 08 like mine at a yard... and the number is NOT 47140. Have trouble believing they would change enough that the car could not talk to it. I would rather get the right one or the best one I can.... but i may have no choice. Thanks again.