Can someone please tell me how to reset the trip gauge on the dash? I would like to reset it to help me figure outwhat kind of mileage I am getting. I am a new owner of a 2010 Prius III.
Thanks. I did that, but the gauge never increased. Is it shut off? How can I get it to actually work? ;-)
Are you talking about the Trip A/Trip B, where you can reset the mileage? If so, select if you want Trip A or Trip B, press and hold the trip button (on your steering wheel) and the Trip mileage should reset on that setting to 0 miles. Your average MPG and average MPH will zero as well. This will also reset the "bars" that are set to 5 minute or 1 minute intervals on another display setting, as well as the "tank mileage" display setting. If there is something else you want to do, you'll need to clarify. When you said "the gauge never increased" what do you mean? What didn't increase? (Trip A or B miles? avg MPG? avg MPH?) Remember, you have multiple settings from the trip setting. Trip A, Trip B, Odometer (total miles) and blank (I think). This only shows on the bottom of the display. For the "Display Setting" you have the HSI setting, 5 min or 1 min bars, Engine/Batter schematic, Blank Setting, and I think another one).
I know it's an old thread but information is still relevant. Thanks HNCs.H worked great. Almost feel dumb not trying just that.